October 23, 2024 ~ Shabbat BERESHIT. RAST.

Rabbi Dr Jacob Saul Kassin - חכם יעקב שאול קצין זצ''ל

Rabbi Dr Jacob S Kassin was the Chief Rabbi of the Syrian Sephardic Jewish Community in Brooklyn, New York, for more than six decades, serving faithfully from 1932 until his passing on December 9, 1994.

Rabbi Kassin was born in Jerusalem (1900), the descendent of a long line of rabbis and judges whose ancestors immigrated to Syria during the Spanish Inquisition centuries prior. Orphaned at 16 in a Cholera epidemic, he was educated and ordained at Yeshivat Porat Yosef.

He wrote numerous volumes on Talmudic issues and served as a Talmudic court justice. He also authored the introduction of the Red Pizmonim book called "Sha'ar HaShirim".

He is the father of Rabbi Saul J Kassin, the current Chief Rabbi of the Syrian Sephardic Jewish Community, Charlotte Ben Haim, Esther Hanono, and sons, Albert, Isaac, Meyer, Leon and Morris Kassin.
