March 29, 2025 ~ Sh PEQUDEI. NAWAH or SABA.

Meyer 'Mickey' Kairey


Meyer 'Mickey' Kairey was a well-known community leader who taught Pizmonim, Hazzanut, and Torah Reading to thousands of students in Magen David Yeshiva and various synagogues. He focused his effort on teaching Qeriah, or proper reading skills, to young men at the age of their Bar Misvah. He was a student of H Eliahou Menaged, a master of Hazzanut and pizmonim, and was the Hazzan and overall caretaker of Magen David Congregation of 67th Street. His door was always open to every community member in their times of need and in their times of celebration. In addition to serving the community, he also took great pride in serving his country during World War II; partaking in D-Day in 1944 and liberating Jews from concentration camps. Mickey started Maoz LaEvyon which later became Sephardic Bikur Holim. He was also involved with the Hebra Qadisha of our community. Despite his involvement with taking care of the dead, Mickey was a man who was very much alive; always staying young. On the last few days of his life, he was still challenging his visitors to games of ping pong and pool. He passed away on Friday, March 4, 2016, at the age of 93, but his memory will live on through the recordings on this website and in the hearts and minds of all of his students.

Index of Recordings

Section Pizmon Page Song CommentaryRecordings Application
Baqashot 42 51 מהללך ורוב גדלך Mordechai Abadi Maqam Rast Written by H Mordekhai Abadi (1826-1883). Lists the seven heavens. Rast. A Z Idelsohn notes, 1923 Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 M. Kairey
M. Kairey (Domamim)
Baqashot 52 60 יום ליום אודה Israel Najara Maqam Sigah Sigah. A Z Idelsohn notes, 1923 Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 M. Kairey
שועת עניים
Rast 106 107 יום יום תמיד ישעיה חזק This pizmon (RAST, page 107), "Day by Day, to You I Pray," is the first song in the pizmonim book. It was composed in the nineteenth century in Aleppo by an individual named Yeshaya (acrostic: ישעיה חזק). There are 5 stanzas in this song. In the opening stanza, the author says that each day he prays for God, the King, to redeem His holy nation. He then asks to return the crown to the nation and to save them from all troubles. In the third and fourth stanzas, he petitions for the rebuilding of Zion, and for the prophecies of Isaiah to be fulfilled. Once this occurs, "every living soul will praise God" (alluding to Psalms 150:6). The final stanza praises God for giving His nation the Torah (the Ten Commandments) on Mount Sinai; the ultimate source of happiness for each Jewish person. Due to this song's important theme, it was considered a favorite of Mr Mickey Kairey A"H, and he made it a point to teach it to the youth on many occasions. This melody has been applied by H Moshe Ashear A"H to Naqdishakh on weeks of Maqam RAST. In addition, according to Mr Isaac Cabasso, this melody should also be applied to Nishmat of Shabbat Bereshit. Abraham Sitehon Manuscript Mosseri-Kozli Manuscript M. Kairey
Rast 132 120 יחיד נורא Raphael Tabbush This jovial pizmon (RAST, page 120), composed by H Raphael Antebi Tabbush (deceased December 1918) of Aleppo, Syria, is one of the most important and popular songs for the festival of Pesah. There are four stanzas in this pizmon; corresponding to the four letter of name of God (Tetragrammaton). Within each stanza, there are multiple rhyming clauses. Although the melody of this song should not be applied to any of the pieces of prayers, this pizmon is used for the PIZMON SEFER TORAH (typically on Shabbat HaHodesh or 1-2 Pesah). Many aspects of the month of Nisan, including the Haggadah and the counting of the Omer, are alluded to in this special pizmon. In general, the composer gives praise to God for all of His kindness to mankind, and specifically to the Jewish nation for the Exodus from Egypt and the splitting of the sea. Hamaoui Manuscript Tabbush Manuscript A Z Idelsohn notes, 1923 M. Kairey
Rast 135 121 מה נעים החתן Raphael Tabbush Hatan. Hamaoui Manuscript Tabbush Manuscript A Z Idelsohn notes, 1923 M. Kairey
Rast 141 124 נשאם עד העולם Raphael Tabbush Hamaoui Manuscript M. Kairey
Rast 142 124 אני לשמך אהלל Raphael Tabbush סימן רפאל. Birth of a baby boy and the Pidyon HaBen. Hamaoui Manuscript Tabbush Manuscript M. Kairey
אל ההודאות
Rast 147 127 מלך שוכן Moses Ashear Ashear Manuscript M. Kairey
Rast 149 128 תען לשוני ותגיד Moses Ashear (Maqam Sigah). Ashear Manuscript M. Kairey
Rast 151 130 מלכי לעם איתני Moses Ashear For the Hatan (groom), David Abraham Sutton. Ashear Manuscript M. Kairey
Rast 153 131 מבשר אתן Moses Ashear In honour of the groom, Yosef Abraham Me'Eli HaKohen. Ashear Manuscript M. Kairey
Mahour 181 151 חנון רחם Raphael Tabbush This pizmon (MAHOUR, page 151), whose title can be translated as "Merciful One, Have Compassion on Your Beloved People," is a song for the Shalosh Regalim, the three times of the year when Jews make the pilgrimage to the Temple in Jerusalem. It is composed by H Raphael Antebi Tabbush, and the acrostic of this 4 stanza song spells "Hayim" (סימן חיים), or ‘life’. The melody of this song is from the Arabic song “Midlam Minina.” Traditionally, our community sings this melody as the PIZMON SEFER TORAH on the second day of Sukkot. The first part of this song (first two stanzas) is a prayer for God to have compassion on His nation, and rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem, because the “time has come” for the redemption. The restoration of the Jewish people to their ancestral homeland and the end of their exile is represented by “living waters flowing out of Jerusalem,” and this is alluded to clearly in Zecharia 14:8. The second part of this song (the last two stanzas) goes on to express the great happiness that will befall the Jewish people (like the happiness of a bride and groom) once God performs these miracles of providing the new Temple, ending the exile; and having the Messiah announce the good news about the redemption. When these things happen, the Jewish people will be extremely happy and praise God, their Merciful Father. Hamaoui Manuscript Tabbush Manuscript M Kairey
Ajam 202 166 מעוז צור "Maoz Sur Yeshuati" (AJAM, page 166), a piece from the 13th century Eastern Europe, is considered the most famous Jewish hymns for the festival of Hanukkah. The name of the song, meaning "Strong Rock, My Salvation," is a reference to God, and the song, throughout its 6 stanzas (acrostic: מרדכי חזק), recounts the many times that God saved the Jewish people. The hymn retells Jewish history in poetic form and celebrates deliverance from four ancient enemies, Pharaoh, Nebuchadnezzar, Haman, and Antiochus. In the first stanza, it says that God saved us during the times when the enemies are about to slaughter us, and this is when we rededicated the altar, a reference to the festival Hanukkah. The melody of this piece, according to Cantor Birnbaum of Konigsberg, is adapted from the old German folk-song "So weiss ich eins," and has been widely spread among German Jews as early as 1450. It has become tradition to sing the first verse of this song after lighting the Hanukkah candles. M Kairey
Ajam 205 168 מלך רחמן Raphael Tabbush Melekh Rahman (AJAM, page 168), or "Merciful King," is considered the ultimate wedding song. It was composed in Aleppo, circa 1897, by H Raphael Tabbush (d. 1918), for his close student, H Moshe Ashear (d. 1940), in honor of his wedding to Salha, the daughter of Mr Yaaqob Shamah. The acrostic is "Moshe" and names of family members (Moshe, Yaaqob, Shaol, Simha, Shelomo) are alluded to. The melody is from the Arabic song "Doom Ya Zaman." There are three stanzas in this song. The first two stanzas are from the point of view of the community; asking God to save the nation, and also to join in the happiness of the Hatan and Kallah on their wedding day. The third stanza, however, is from the view of the Hatan; asking to be blessed with the Blessing of Abraham. For Shabbat Vayesse, this melody can be applied in the prayers for Nishmat. The pizmon can be associated with this perasha, because we read about Jacob's wedding. Moshe Ashear and Family Manuscript M Kairey
Ajam 215 173 מקהלות עם Mordechai Abadi This pizmon (AJAM, page 173), whose opening words translate as "In the assembly of the nation God is blessed," is a popular celebratory song associated with weddings. It is composed by the prominent rabbi, judge, and poet, H Mordekhai Abadi (b. Aleppo, 1826 - 1883), who is the author of "Dibre Mordekhai" (Aleppo, 1873), a collection of sixty nine pizmonim assorted by maqam, as well as "Miqra Qodesh," a collection of Baqashot. This song has four stanzas (acrostic: מ-ר-ד-כי) and a repeating chorus ("Haleluhu Gadeluhu"). The song seems to honor a bridegroom with the first name 'Jacob,' but this name is a metaphor for the entire nation of Israel. The song is an ongoing blessing to this bridegroom (i.e. wealth, honor, and longevity), as well as an ongoing praise to God for His generosity and kindness. The song ends with a remembrance of the strength that Israel had at the exodus from Egypt as well as a blessing for us to merit a future redemption when we will all live in Jerusalem. A Z Idelsohn notes, 1923 British Library Or. 10375 M Kairey
Ajam 229 180 אל רם ארנן Raphael Tabbush Tabbush Manuscript M Kairey
Ajam 231 181 שמך יתרומם Raphael Tabbush Hamaoui Manuscript M Kairey
Nahwand 271 213 אחזה בנועם Raphael Tabbush "Ehze BeNoam" (NAHWAND, page 213), translated as "I will gaze at the pleasantness of Your face," is a song written by master composer, H Raphael Antebi Tabbush (d. 1918). The 6 stanzas of the song form the acrostic: "Ani Refael" (אני רפאל). Though a favorite at the Shabbat afternoon Sebbits, this melody is almost never applied to any of the pieces of prayers. This composition describes what the author envisions he will do once he leaves the exile; dwelling in the House of the Lord, bowing in the holy sanctuary, and offering the burnt sacrifice in the Temple. He then asks for the Blessing of Abraham and not to be humiliated while in exile. He continues by asking for God to hasten the redemption for the Jewish nation. The battered Jewish nation, at times, feels "chained" (עגונים) in their exile, but finds comfort in their study of the Torah. The author asks God to accept the praises and songs of His beloved nation, because He is a merciful God that forgives transgressions and is eternally kind. Tabbush Manuscript M Kairey
Nahwand 278 216 רחום אתה Raphael Tabbush "Rahum Ata" (NAHWAND, page 216) is composed by H Rephael Tabbush (Aleppo, ~1830 - Cairo, 1918), author of the "Shir Ushbaha" pizmonim book (1888). According to the notes of H Moshe Ashear, this song is reserved for Shabbat Beshalah (Shabbat Shira), and the Seventh Day of Pesah. There are 4 stanzas in this pizmon; corresponding to ר-פ-א-ל. The melody of this pizmon is called "Bafta Hindi," and can be applied to Mimisrayim on weeks of Maqam NAHWAND. "Merciful are You for redeeming us from captivity," the pizmon opens; referring to the captivity of slavery under Pharaoh. The second verse is a prayer to redeem us now and to send Eliahu the Prophet to herald the redemption. After we hear of the redemption, the third verse says that we will sing praises to God. The fourth verse mentions how on the seventh day after the Exodus, God rescued our nation by overpowering nature and splitting the Red Sea. Hamaoui Manuscript Tabbush Manuscript M Kairey
Bayat 333 255 ידידי השכחת Matan Torah. M Kairey
Bayat 336 257 רנה ותהלה ישראל Raphael Tabbush This pizmon (BAYAT, page 257), translated as "Rejoice and Praise," is the flagship song for Rosh Hashana. It is composed by H Raphael Antebi Tabbush and it's five stanzas spell the acrostic "Rephael Hazaq." The melody is from the Arabic song "Ghussnu Ban Jabinahu El Badru." According to H Moshe Ashear, this song is used as the Pizmon Sefer Torah on the second day of Rosh Hashana, as well as for Semehim on Shabbat Mishpatim. There are many themes of Rosh Hashana that are alluded to in this song. In the first stanza, Israel prepares a song in order to praise God. The second stanza says that our mouths and our hearts will become pure, and at the beginning of the year (Rosh Hashana), our hearts awaken from the sounds of the Shofar. It is during this time, the Days of Awe, that we say the Confessions, in order to refrain from all transgressions, and in order to become pure before God (third stanza). In the fourth stanza, the author prays for God's children to be written in the Book of Life and for the destruction of Israel's enemies. The final verse is a charge for the nation to strengthen and to observe the Sabbath in order for God to speedily bring us to the end of days. Tabbush Manuscript M Kairey
Bayat 341 261 הבו גודל Moses Ashear Bar Misvah. Ashear Manuscript M Kairey
שועת עניים
Bayat 342 262 אבות הבנים Moses Ashear Gindi Bar Misvah. Ashear Manuscript M Kairey
Bayat 360 277 יוצר אדמה This pizmon (BAYAT, page 277), whose title translates as "Former of Earth, Creator of Heaven," is an ode to the Tefillin (phylacteries). Tefillin are small leather boxes containing biblical texts that are worn at prayers. Composed in the mid-nineteenth century in Aleppo by a "H Meir Sasson" (acrostic: מאיר ששון), this song is most associated with the Bar Misvah ceremony; when, traditionally, a 13 year old boy wears the Tefillin for the first time. There are 8 rhyming stanzas in this song with opening line, "Yosser Adama," serving as the repeating chorus. The melody of this pizmon, adapted from the Arabic song "Saq Al Morama," can be applied to Hashem Melekh when praying in Maqam BAYAT. Throughout the stanzas, different aspects of the Tefillin are alluded to (i.e. four compartments, written on parchment, letters Shin, Dalet, and Yod, etc). The fifth stanza is a reminder that the misvah of the Tefillin needs to be safeguarded, and that wearing them shows God's glory. The sixth stanza states that Tefillin also serves as a protective shield against evil. The song concludes with a prayer for God to take revenge on all those who do not uphold the various commandments (such as the Tefillin). British Library Or. 10375 M Kairey
ה' מלך
Bayat 389 313 צור יה אל Ezekiel Hai Albeg This pizmon (BAYAT, page 313), whose opening words translate as "Rock, Lord, God, King of the Universe, Unto You Are My Thoughts" was written in the early 1950's by Cantor Ezekiel H Albeg. It was written as a birthday dedication to Mr Charles A Serouya (d. 2005), the President of Young Magen David (YMD). "Charlie", as he was affectionately known, had a rare vibrant personality and devoted most of his life to supporting synagogue causes. The unique group that he created, Young Magen David, or "Charlie's Shul," was the first self-governing 'Youth Minyan' in the Community. The opening words of the song, "Sur Ya El," are a play on Charlie's last name "Serouya," and the acrostic of the song is "צעירי מגן דוד" (Young Magen David). The melody of this song is an instrumental piece called "Bint al-Balad" (Daughter of the Country) by Mohammad 'Abd al-Wahab. What made the composition of this pizmon extremely difficult is that the original Arabic piece, a bashraf, had no words; only a recurring melody. It was only at Gabriel A Shrem's insistence that Cantor Albeg undertook the challenge of composing beautiful Hebrew words to this catchy melody. Photograph of Charlie Serouya M Kairey
Hoseni 409 334 דעת ומזמה דוד חזק This pizmon, entitled “Knowledge and Discretion” (HOSENI, page 334), is a very sacred song in Aleppo tradition reserved for Matan Torah, the giving of the Ten Commandments. This song pre-dates most other pizmonim in our tradition; being older than 1850. The opening verse says “Knowledge, discretion, and words of wisdom; more than them, on the day Moses spoke; her (Wisdom’s) profit is greater than fine gold; this is the Law that Moses place.” There are a total of eight stanza’s in the original manuscripts; all ending with the word “Moshe,” and each phrase, containing rich biblical allusions, rhyme with one another. The acrostic of this pizmon, “David Hazaq,” indicates that the first name of the author is David, but his specific identity is unknownto us. The melody of the pizmon is from the Arabic song “Tazri Bel Ajafen,” and is only applied for Naqdishakh three times a year: Shabbat Yitro, Shabbat Kallah (the Shabbat prior to the Shabuot festival), and Shabbat Vaethanan. Attiah Manuscript Yabess Manuscript Abraham Sitehon Manuscript Mosseri-Kozli Manuscript Commentary on Pizmon British Library Or. 10375 M Kairey
Sigah 518 435 אתה מרום This pizmon (SIGAH, page 435), whose title is translated as "You, Who Lives in Heaven and Resides Above," is a song for the Yom Tob festivals. The acrostic of this song is Abraham (אברהם), and there is a reference here to each of the three patriarchs. What makes this song unique is that each of the five rhyming stanzas ends with a biblical source referencing God's name. The song begins with how the author and the entire community will rejoice and praise God at happy occasions; in the happiness of the bride and groom (in the first stanza), and in the happiness of the Yom Tob festivals (in the second stanza). The third stanza then asks that God, the merciful One, will spread his kindness on the children of Abraham. The fourth stanza says that we should praise God, because He will rebuild the Beit HaMiqdash where we will soon offer sacrifices to God in the future. The poem concludes (in the fifth stanza) with a plea to fulfill the prophecy of Ezekiel of returning to Zion, rebuilding the Temple, and then sending the Messiah, from the House of King David, to redeem the Jewish nation. Due to the song’s clear reference to “Eleh Moadei Hashem (Leviticus 23:4),” the source in the Torah that discusses the annual holiday cycle, this can be used as a PIZMON SEFER TORAH on the Shalosh Regalim. Tabbush Manuscript M. Kairey
Sigah 529 443 מצפה לזמן Raphael Tabbush Maqam Awj-Oj M. Kairey
ה' מלך
Sigah 552.1 458 נגילה הללויה Asher Mizrahi Siman: Asher Hazaq. Lahan: Lah Yiglala. M. Kairey
Hijaz 594 492 רנו גילו Raphael Tabbush This pizmon (HIJAZ, page 492), composed by H Raphael Antebi Tabbush, is a song written for Purim. Unlike other Purim songs, most of which are in Maqam SIGAH, this song is classified as Maqam HIJAZ; a maqam typically reserved for sad occasions. The acrostic of this piece is "Raphael Hazaq," and consists of 5 stanzas; corresponding to the letters of the author's name. Each stanza is followed by the chorus which begins with the words "Zekher Sadiq Yarum Hodo" etc. The song opens on a happy note ("Proclaim joy and rejoice all creations"); calling onto all the creations of the world to recognize the miracle of Purim. The middle of the pizmon is about the hard times and suffering that Haman put the Jews through ("the enemy conspired to be the head"). The last stanza ends on a hopeful note; calling for the Messiah and the rebuilding of the Temple so that we can offer sacrifices again. The melody of this song is applied to either Naqdishakh on Purim or Keter on Shabbat Zakhor. Tabbush Manuscript M Kairey
2104 514v אוחילה לאל אחלה פניו This is also used prior to the Amidah of Musaf on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. M Kairey
Minha-Arbit 2386.5 W9 Full Weekday Amidah M Kairey- Sigah Weekdays
2403 W23 קריאת שמע Sample of the Shema portion. Mickey Kairey
Mishle 3004 משלי Maqam Sigah (but different than Torah). Portions of this book are read during services. Some have a custom of reading this book during Shabuot. The passage "Eshet Hayil," read on Friday night Kiddush, is from this book. M. Kairey chapter 1
Iyob 3005 איוב Ancient undeveloped Rast. Chapter 1-3:1 (narrative) is read like Megillat Ruth. From 3:2 and onwards is read like Iyob. This book is read on Tisha B'Ab. M. Kairey chapter 1
M. Kairey chapter 3
Ruth 3007 R1 מגילת רות Maqam Hoseni.This book is read on Shabuot. Aleppo Codex- Ruth 1 Aleppo Codex- Ruth 2 Aleppo Codex- Ruth 3 Aleppo Codex- Ruth 4 Mickey Kairey- Ruth Chap 1
Lamentations 3008 L1 מגילת איכה Maqam Ajam. Read on Tisha B'Ab. M. Kairey
Esther 3020 E1 מגילת אסתר Tiqun Esther Ch 1 Tiqun Esther Ch 2 Tiqun Esther Ch 3 Tiqun Esther Ch 4 Tiqun Esther Ch 5 Tiqun Esther Ch 6 Tiqun Esther Ch 7 Tiqun Esther Ch 8 Tiqun Esther Ch 9 Tiqun Esther Ch 10 M Kairey - Full
Esther 3021 E1 אסתר פרק א Tiqun Esther Chapter 1 M Kairey- Chapter 1
Esther 3022 E3 אסתר פרק ב Tiqun Esther Chapter 2 M Kairey- Chapter 2
Esther 3023 E6 אסתר פרק ג Tiqun Esther Chapter 3 M Kairey- Chapter 3
Esther 3024 E7 אסתר פרק ד Tiqun Esther Chapter 4 M Kairey- Chapter 4
Esther 3025 E9 אסתר פרק ה Tiqun Esther Chapter 5 M Kairey- Chapter 5
Esther 3026 E11 אסתר פרק ו Tiqun Esther Chapter 6 M Kairey- Chapter 6
Esther 3027 E12 אסתר פרק ז Tiqun Esther Chapter 7 M Kairey- Chapter 7
Esther 3028 E13 אסתר פרק ח Tiqun Esther Chapter 8 M Kairey- Chapter 8
Esther 3029 E16 אסתר פרק ט Tiqun Esther Chapter 9 M Kairey- Chapter 9
Esther 3030 E19 אסתר פרק י Tiqun Esther Chapter 10 M Kairey- Chapter 10
3501 P3 בראשית- ראשון Creation I. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Bereshit- Aliyah 1-6
3502 P5 בראשית- שני Creation II. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Bereshit- Aliyah 7
Kairey- Bereshit- Aliyah 8
3503 P6 בראשית- שלישי Garden of Eden. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Bereshit- Aliyah 9
3504 P8 בראשית- רביעי Qayin and Hebel. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Bereshit- Aliyah 10
Kairey- Bereshit- Aliyah 11
Kairey- Bereshit- Aliyah 12
3505 P10 בראשית- חמישי Qayin Genealogy. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Bereshit- Mashlim
3509 P13 נח- ראשון Building the Ark. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Noah- Aliyah 1
Kairey- Noah- Aliyah 2
Kairey- Noah- Aliyah 3
3510 P14 נח- שני Collecting Animals. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Noah- Aliyah 4
Kairey- Noah- Aliyah 5
3512 P17 נח- רביעי Leaving the Ark. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Noah- Aliyah 6
Kairey- Noah- Aliyah 7
Kairey- Noah- Aliyah 8
3513 P18 נח- חמישי Rainbow Covenant. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Noah- Aliyah 9
Kairey- Noah- Aliyah 10
3514 P18 נח- ששי Noah's drunkenness. Genealogy of Noah's children. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Noah- Aliyah 11
Kairey- Noah- Aliyah 12
3515 P21 נח- שביעי Towel of Babel. Generations from Shem to Abram. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Noah- Aliyah 13
Kairey- Noah- Mashlim
3517 P23 לך לך- ראשון Abram's Migration from Haran. Promise from God. Famine in Egypt. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Lekh Lekha- Aliyah 1
Kairey- Lekh Lekha- Aliyah 2
Kairey- Lekh Lekha- Aliyah 3
3518 P24 לך לך- שני Sarai wife/sister with Pharaoh. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Lekh Lekha- Aliyah 4
3519 P24 לך לך- שלישי Separation from Lot. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Lekh Lekha- Aliyah 5
3520 P25 לך לך- רביעי War between Kings. Malkisedeq King of Salem. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Lekh Lekha- Aliyah 6
3521 P27 לך לך- חמישי King of Sedom. Number the Stars. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Lekh Lekha- Aliyah 7
3522 P28 לך לך- ששי Covenant of the Parts (Berit Ben HaBetarim). Sarai is barren. Hagar and Ishmael. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Lekh Lekha- Aliyah 8
Kairey- Lekh Lekha- Aliyah 9
Kairey- Lekh Lekha- Aliyah 10
3523 P30 לך לך- שביעי Berit Milah Covenant. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Lekh Lekha- Aliyah 11
Kairey- Lekh Lekha- Mashlim
3525 P32 וירא- ראשון The Three Visitors. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vayera- Aliyah 1
Kairey- Vayera- Aliyah 2
3526 P33 וירא- שני Sarah Laughs. The Righteous of Sedom? Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vayera- Aliyah 3
Kairey- Vayera- Aliyah 4
3528 P36 וירא- רביעי Sarah wife/sister with Abimelekh. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vayera- Aliyah 5
3529 P39 וירא- חמישי Birth of Isaac. Expulsion of Ishmael. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vayera- Aliyah 6
Kairey- Vayera- Aliyah 7
3530 P40 וירא- ששי Abraham and Abimelekh. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vayera- Aliyah 8
Kairey- Vayera- Aliyah 9
3531 P41 וירא- שביעי Binding of Isaac (Aqedat YisHaq). Genealogy of Nahor and Milkah. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vayera- Aliyah 10
Kairey- Vayera- Aliyah 11
Kairey- Vayera- Mashlim
3533 P43 חיי שרה- ראשון Death of Sarah and Purchase of Cave of Machpelah burial plot. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Haye Sarah- Aliyah 1
Kairey- Haye Sarah- Aliyah 2
Kairey- Haye Sarah- Aliyah 3
3534 P44 חיי שרה- שני Search for the Wife of Isaac in Haran. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Haye Sarah- Aliyah 4
3535 P45 חיי שרה- שלישי Ribeqah's generosity to Abraham's servant. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Haye Sarah- Aliyah 5
Kairey- Haye Sarah- Aliyah 6
Kairey- Haye Sarah- Aliyah 7
3536 P47 חיי שרה- רביעי Transaction to marry off Ribeqah to Isaac. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Haye Sarah- Aliyah 8
Kairey- Haye Sarah- Aliyah 9
Kairey- Haye Sarah- Aliyah 10
Kairey- Haye Sarah- Aliyah 11
3537 P49 חיי שרה- חמישי Ribeqah and Isaac. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Haye Sarah- Aliyah 12
Kairey- Haye Sarah- Aliyah 13
3538 P50 חיי שרה- ששי Abraham's Later Years, Sons of Qeturah, and eventual death. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Haye Sarah- Aliyah 14
Kairey- Haye Sarah- Mashlim
3541 P52 תולדות- ראשון Genealogy of Isaac: Birth of Jacob and Esau. The Birthright. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Toledot- Aliyah 1
Kairey- Toledot- Aliyah 2
Kairey- Toledot- Aliyah 3
3542 P53 תולדות- שני Isaac and Abimelekh: Ribeqah wife/sister. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Toledot- Aliyah 4
3543 P54 תולדות- שלישי Isaac and Abimelekh: The Wells. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Toledot- Aliyah 5
3545 P55 תולדות- חמישי Esau and Jacob. The Blessing Deception. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Toledot- Aliyah 6
3546 P56 תולדות- ששי The Blessings Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Toledot- Aliyah 7
Kairey- Toledot- Aliyah 8
Kairey- Toledot- Aliyah 9
Kairey- Toledot- Mashlim
3549 P58 ויצא- ראשון Jacob's Dream. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vayesse- Aliyah 1
Kairey- Vayesse- Aliyah 2
Kairey- Vayesse- Aliyah 3
3550 P59 ויצא- שני Rachel Comes with the Sheep. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vayesse- Aliyah 4
3551 P60 ויצא- שלישי Negotiation with Laban. Deception. Marriage. Children: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naftali, Gad, Asher. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vayesse- Aliyah 5
3553 P63 ויצא- חמישי Business with Laban. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vayesse- Aliyah 6
Kairey- Vayesse- Aliyah 7
3554 P66 ויצא- ששי Jacob's Escape. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vayesse- Aliyah 8
Kairey- Vayesse- Mashlim
3557 P69 וישלח- ראשון Esau's Messengers. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vayishlah- Aliyah 1
Kairey- Vayishlah- Aliyah 2
Kairey- Vayishlah- Aliyah 3
3558 P70 וישלח- שני Splitting the Camps. Battle of Jacob. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vayishlah- Aliyah 4
3559 P71 וישלח- שלישי Confrontation. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vayishlah- Aliyah 5
3560 P71 וישלח- רביעי Return of the Blessing. Shekhem. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vayishlah- Aliyah 6
3561 P72 וישלח- חמישי Dinah's intermarriage. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vayishlah- Aliyah 7
Kairey- Vayishlah- Aliyah 8
Kairey- Vayishlah- Aliyah 9
Kairey- Vayishlah- Aliyah 10
Kairey- Vayishlah- Aliyah 11
Kairey- Vayishlah- Aliyah 12
3562 P75 וישלח- ששי Beit El. Death of Rachel. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vayishlah- Aliyah 13
3563 P78 וישלח- שביעי Generations of Esau. Kings of Edom. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vayishlah- Aliyah 14
Kairey- Vayishlah- Mashlim
Pentateuch 3564 P79 פרשת וישב Vayesheb (Genesis 37:1-40:23). Leadership of The Next Generation: Joseph and Judah. Leningrad Codex Vayesheb - M Kairey
מכירת יוסף
3565 P79 וישב- ראשון Joseph's Dreams. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vayesheb- Aliyah 1
Kairey- Vayesheb- Aliyah 2
Kairey- Vayesheb- Aliyah 3
3566 P80 וישב- שני The Plot against Joseph. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vayesheb- Aliyah 4
3567 P81 וישב- שלישי The Pit. Sale of Joseph. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vayesheb- Aliyah 5
3569 P84 וישב- חמישי Joseph and Potiphar's Wife. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vayesheb- Aliyah 6
3570 P84 וישב- ששי Joseph in Jail. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vayesheb- Aliyah 7
3571 P86 וישב- שביעי Dreams of Butler and Baker. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vayesheb- Aliyah 8
Kairey- Vayesheb- Aliyah 9
Kairey- Vayesheb- Mashlim
3573 P87 מקץ- ראשון Dreams of Pharaoh. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Miqes- Aliyah 1
Kairey- Miqes- Aliyah 2
Kairey- Miqes- Aliyah 3
3574 P88 מקץ- שני Interpretation of Dreams. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Miqes- Aliyah 4
Kairey- Miqes- Aliyah 5
3575 P90 מקץ- שלישי Rise of Joseph. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Miqes- Aliyah 6
Kairey- Miqes- Aliyah 7
Kairey- Miqes- Aliyah 8
3576 P91 מקץ- רביעי Famine throughout Middle East. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Miqes- Aliyah 9
Kairey- Miqes- Aliyah 10
3577 P93 מקץ- חמישי Accusations. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Miqes- Aliyah 11
Kairey- Miqes- Aliyah 12
3578 P96 מקץ- ששי Interaction between Joseph and Brothers. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Miqes- Aliyah 13
Kairey- Miqes- Mashlim
3581 P98 ויגש- ראשון Judah's plea to Joseph. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vayigash- Aliyah 1
Kairey- Vayigash- Aliyah 2
Kairey- Vayigash- Aliyah 3
3582 P99 ויגש- שני "I am Joseph. Is my father still alive?" Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vayigash- Aliyah 4
3583 P100 ויגש- שלישי Reunification. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vayigash- Aliyah 5
3584 P101 ויגש- רביעי News Reaches Jacob. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vayigash- Aliyah 6
3585 P102 ויגש- חמישי Israel Sojourn to Egypt. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vayigash- Aliyah 7
Kairey- Vayigash- Aliyah 8
Kairey- Vayigash- Aliyah 9
3586 P103 ויגש- ששי Israelites in the Land of Goshen. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vayigash- Aliyah 10
Kairey- Vayigash- Aliyah 11
Kairey- Vayigash- Aliyah 12
3587 P105 ויגש- שביעי Joseph's Tax. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vayigash- Mashlim
3589 P106 ויחי- ראשון Jacob's Later Years. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vayehi- Aliyah 1
Kairey- Vayehi- Aliyah 2
Kairey- Vayehi- Aliyah 3
3590 P107 ויחי- שני Blessing of Ephraim and Menasse. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vayehi- Aliyah 4
3591 P108 ויחי- שלישי Criss Cross of Hands. Kairey- Vayehi- Aliyah 5
3592 P108 ויחי- רביעי Blessings of Jacob's Children (Reuben-Dan). Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vayehi- Aliyah 6
3594 P110 ויחי- ששי Death and Mourning of Jacob. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vayehi- Aliyah 7
Kairey- Vayehi- Mashlim
3597 P113 שמות- ראשון Pharaoh's Decree to Kill Male Babies. Hebrew Midwives. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Shemot- Aliyah 1
Kairey- Shemot- Aliyah 2
3598 P114 שמות- שני Birth of Moses. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Shemot- Aliyah 3
Kairey- Shemot- Aliyah 4
3599 P115 שמות- שלישי Exile of Moses. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Shemot- Aliyah 5
3600 P116 שמות- רביעי Burning Bush Revelation. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Shemot- Aliyah 6
Kairey- Shemot- Aliyah 7
Kairey- Shemot- Aliyah 8
3601 P117 שמות- חמישי God Charges Moses to Return to Egypt. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Shemot- Aliyah 9
Kairey- Shemot- Aliyah 10
Kairey- Shemot- Aliyah 11
3602 P119 שמות- ששי Return to Egypt. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Shemot- Aliyah 12
3603 P120 שמות- שביעי Confrontation with Pharaoh. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Shemot- Mashlim
3605 P122 וארא- ראשון Covenant between God and Moses. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vaera- Aliyah 2
M Kairey- Vaera- Aliyah 1
3606 P123 וארא- שני Abreviated Genealogy of Moses. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vaera- Aliyah 3
Kairey- Vaera- Aliyah 4
Kairey- Vaera- Aliyah 5
Kairey- Vaera- Aliyah 6
3607 P124 וארא- שלישי Approaching Pharaoh. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vaera- Aliyah 7
3608 P125 וארא- רביעי Plagues: Blood, Frogs. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vaera- Aliyah 8
Kairey- Vaera- Aliyah 9
Kairey- Vaera- Aliyah 10
3609 P127 וארא- חמישי Plagues: Frogs, Lice. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vaera- Aliyah 11
Kairey- Vaera- Aliyah 12
Kairey- Vaera- Aliyah 13
3610 P128 וארא- ששי Plagues: Until Hail. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vaera- Aliyah 14
Kairey- Vaera- Aliyah 15
3611 P130 וארא- שביעי Plague: Hail. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vaera- Mashlim
3613 P132 בא- ראשון Plague: Locusts. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Bo- Aliyah 1
Kairey- Bo- Aliyah 2
Kairey- Bo- Aliyah 3
3615 P134 בא- שלישי Warning against last plague. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Bo- Aliyah 4
3616 P134 בא- רביעי Passover in Egypt. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Bo- Aliyah 5
3617 P137 בא- חמישי Passover Sacrifice. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Bo- Aliyah 6
Kairey- Bo- Aliyah 7
3618 P138 בא- ששי Death of First Borns. The Exodus from Egypt. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Bo- Aliyah 8
Kairey- Bo- Aliyah 9
Kairey- Bo- Aliyah 10
Kairey- Bo- Aliyah 11
3619 P139 בא- שביעי Santification of the First Born and Commandments Relating to the Exodus. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Bo- Aliyah 12
Kairey- Bo- Mashlim
3629 P150 יתרו- ראשון Yitro Congratulates. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Yitro- Aliyah 1
Kairey- Yitro- Aliyah 2
Kairey- Yitro- Aliyah 3
3630 P150 יתרו- שני Yitro's advice in regards to judges. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Yitro- Aliyah 4
Kairey- Yitro- Aliyah 5
Kairey- Yitro- Aliyah 6
3632 P152 יתרו- רביעי Sinai Desert. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Yitro- Aliyah 7
3633 P152 יתרו- חמישי Preparation to Receive the Law at Sinai/Horeb. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Yitro- Aliyah 8
Kairey- Yitro- Aliyah 9
3634 P153 יתרו- ששי The Ten Commandments (Ethical). Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Yitro- Mashlim
3637 P156 משפטים- ראשון The Hebrew Slave. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Mishpatim- Aliyah 1
Kairey- Mishpatim- Aliyah 2
Kairey- Mishpatim- Aliyah 3
3638 P156 משפטים- שני "Eye for an Eye." Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Mishpatim- Aliyah 4
3639 P158 משפטים- שלישי Paybacks. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Mishpatim- Aliyah 5
3642 P161 משפטים- ששי Protection. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Mishpatim- Aliyah 6
3643 P161 משפטים- שביעי Receiving the Commandments at Sinai/Horeb. Blood Ritual. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Mishpatim- Aliyah 7
Kairey- Mishpatim- Aliyah 8
Kairey- Mishpatim- Aliyah 9
Kairey- Mishpatim- Aliyah 10
Kairey- Mishpatim- Mashlim
3653 P170 תצוה- ראשון Priestly Garments: The Ephod. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Tessave- Aliyah 1
Kairey- Tessave- Aliyah 2
Kairey- Tessave- Aliyah 3
3654 P171 תצוה- שני Hoshen. Kairey- Tessave- Aliyah 4
3655 P173 תצוה- שלישי Me'eel. Ketonet. Kairey- Tessave- Aliyah 5
3656 P174 תצוה- רביעי Priestly Ritual. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Tessave- Aliyah 6
3657 P175 תצוה- חמישי Sacrificial Rituals. Kairey- Tessave- Aliyah 7
3658 P177 תצוה- ששי Sacrifices on the Altar. Kairey- Tessave- Aliyah 8
3659 P177 תצוה- שביעי The Qetoret. Kairey- Tessave- Mashlim
3661 P178 כי תשא- ראשון Half Sheqel for Census. Sabbath Observance. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Ki Tisa- Aliyah 1
Kairey- Ki Tisa- Aliyah 2
Kairey- Ki Tisa- Aliyah 3
Kairey- Ki Tisa- Aliyah 4
3662 P181 כי תשא- שני The Tablets. The Golden Calf. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Ki Tisa- Aliyah 5
3663 P185 כי תשא- שלישי Theophany to Moses. Kairey- Ki Tisa- Aliyah 6
3664 P185 כי תשא- רביעי Theophany to Moses continued. Kairey- Ki Tisa- Aliyah 7
Kairey- Ki Tisa- Aliyah 8
3665 P186 כי תשא- חמישי Obtaining Commandments. Attirbutes of Mercy. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Ki Tisa- Aliyah 9
3666 P186 כי תשא- ששי The Ten Commandments (Ritual). Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Ki Tisa- Aliyah 10
Kairey- Ki Tisa- Aliyah 11
Kairey- Ki Tisa- Aliyah 12
3667 P188 כי תשא- שביעי The Skin of Moses' face. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Ki Tisa- Mashlim
3669 P189 ויקהל- ראשון Sabbath Observance. Donations. The Tabernacle. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vayaqhel- Aliyah 1
Kairey- Vayaqhel- Aliyah 2
Kairey- Vayaqhel- Aliyah 3
3670 P190 ויקהל- שני Donations. Kairey- Vayaqhel- Aliyah 4
3671 P191 ויקהל- שלישי Bessalel granted the wisdom to know how to build. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vayaqhel- Aliyah 5
3674 P195 ויקהל- ששי Menorah. Kairey- Vayaqhel- Aliyah 6
Kairey- Vayaqhel- Aliyah 7
3675 P196 ויקהל- שביעי Mizbeah. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vayaqhel- Aliyah 8
Kairey- Vayaqhel- Mashlim
3677 P198 פקודי- ראשון Tasks. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Pequdei- Aliyah 1
Kairey- Pequdei- Aliyah 2
Kairey- Pequdei- Aliyah 3
3678 P199 פקודי- שני Ephod. Kairey- Pequdei- Aliyah 4
Kairey- Pequdei- Aliyah 5
Kairey- Pequdei- Aliyah 6
3679 P200 פקודי- שלישי Me'eel. Kairey- Pequdei- Aliyah 7
Kairey- Pequdei- Aliyah 8
3680 P201 פקודי- רביעי Bringing it to Moses. Kairey- Pequdei- Aliyah 9
3681 P202 פקודי- חמישי Instruction to Complete the Tabernacle. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Pequdei- Aliyah 10
Kairey- Pequdei- Aliyah 11
3682 P203 פקודי- ששי Dedication of the Tabernacle. Kairey- Pequdei- Aliyah 12
Kairey- Pequdei- Aliyah 13
Kairey- Pequdei- Aliyah 14
3683 P203 פקודי- שביעי Completion of the Tabernacle and God's glory fills it. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Pequdei- Mashlim
3685 P205 ויקרא- ראשון Animal Offerings. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vayiqra- Aliyah 1
Kairey- Vayiqra- Aliyah 2
3686 P206 ויקרא- שני Bird Offerings. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vayiqra- Aliyah 3
Kairey- Vayiqra- Aliyah 4
Kairey- Vayiqra- Aliyah 5
3688 P207 ויקרא- רביעי Peace Offerings. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vayiqra- Aliyah 6
Kairey- Vayiqra- Aliyah 7
Kairey- Vayiqra- Aliyah 8
3689 P208 ויקרא- חמישי Sin Offerings (Priest). Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vayiqra- Aliyah 9
Kairey- Vayiqra- Aliyah 10
3690 P210 ויקרא- ששי Sin Offerings (Lay-person). Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vayiqra- Aliyah 11
Kairey- Vayiqra- Aliyah 12
Kairey- Vayiqra- Aliyah 13
3691 P212 ויקרא- שביעי Guilt Offerings. Kairey- Vayiqra- Aliyah 14
Kairey- Vayiqra- Aliyah 15
Kairey- Vayiqra- Mashlim
3693 P214 צו- ראשון Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Sav- Aliyah 1
Kairey- Sav- Aliyah 2
Kairey- Sav- Aliyah 3
3694 P214 צו- שני Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Sav- Aliyah 4
3695 P216 צו- שלישי Kairey- Sav- Aliyah 5
3696 P218 צו- רביעי Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Sav- Aliyah 6
Kairey- Sav- Aliyah 7
3697 P219 צו- חמישי Kairey- Sav- Aliyah 8
Kairey- Sav- Aliyah 9
3698 P219 צו- ששי Kairey- Sav- Aliyah 10
3699 P220 צו- שביעי Kairey- Sav- Mashlim
3701 P221 שמיני- ראשון Dedication of the Tabernacle on Eighth Day. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Shemini- Aliyah 1
Kairey- Shemini- Aliyah 2
Kairey- Shemini- Aliyah 3
Kairey- Shemini- Aliyah 4
3702 P222 שמיני- שני Sacrifices at Dedication. Kairey- Shemini- Aliyah 5
3704 P224 שמיני- רביעי Kairey- Shemini- Aliyah 6
3705 P224 שמיני- חמישי Kairey- Shemini- Aliyah 7
3706 P224 שמיני- ששי Dietary Laws (Kashrut). Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Shemini- Aliyah 8
Kairey- Shemini- Aliyah 9
3707 P226 שמיני- שביעי Utensils. Kairey- Shemini- Mashlim
3709 P228 תזריע- ראשון Purification process for women after birth. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Tazria- Aliyah 1
Kairey- Tazria- Aliyah 2
Kairey- Tazria- Aliyah 3
3710 P229 תזריע- שני Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Tazria- Aliyah 4
Kairey- Tazria- Aliyah 5
3711 P230 תזריע- שלישי Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Tazria- Aliyah 6
3712 P230 תזריע- רביעי Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Tazria- Aliyah 7
3713 P230 תזריע- חמישי Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Tazria- Aliyah 8
3714 P231 תזריע- ששי Kairey- Tazria- Aliyah 9
Kairey- Tazria- Mashlim
3717 P233 מצורע- ראשון Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Messora- Aliyah 1
Kairey- Messora- Aliyah 2
Kairey- Messora- Aliyah 3
3718 P234 מצורע- שני Kairey- Messora- Aliyah 4
Kairey- Messora- Aliyah 5
Kairey- Messora- Aliyah 6
3719 P235 מצורע- שלישי Kairey- Messora- Aliyah 7
3720 P236 מצורע- רביעי Kairey- Messora- Aliyah 8
Kairey- Messora- Aliyah 9
Kairey- Messora- Aliyah 10
Kairey- Messora- Aliyah 11
3721 P237 מצורע- חמישי Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Messora- Aliyah 12
3725 P240 אחרי מות- ראשון Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Ahare- Aliyah 1
Kairey- Ahare- Aliyah 2
Kairey- Ahare- Aliyah 3
Kairey- Ahare- Aliyah 4
3726 P241 אחרי מות- שני Kairey- Ahare- Aliyah 5
3727 P242 אחרי מות- שלישי Kairey- Ahare- Aliyah 6
3728 P243 אחרי מות- רביעי Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Ahare- Aliyah 7
3729 P243 אחרי מות- חמישי Kairey- Ahare- Aliyah 8
3731 P245 אחרי מות- שביעי Kairey- Ahare- Mashlim
3733 P246 קדשים- ראשון Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Qedoshim- Aliyah 1
Kairey- Qedoshim- Aliyah 2
3734 P247 קדשים- שני Kairey- Qedoshim- Aliyah 3
3736 P248 קדשים- רביעי Kairey- Qedoshim- Aliyah 4
3737 P249 קדשים- חמישי Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Qedoshim- Aliyah 5
3739 P250 קדשים- שביעי Kairey- Qedoshim- Aliyah 6
3741 P251 אמור- ראשון Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Emor- Aliyah 1
Kairey- Emor- Aliyah 2
Kairey- Emor- Aliyah 3
3743 P254 אמור- שלישי Kairey- Emor- Aliyah 4
3744 P255 אמור- רביעי Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Emor- Aliyah 5
3745 P257 אמור- חמישי Kairey- Emor- Aliyah 6
3747 P258 אמור- שביעי Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Emor- Mashlim
3749 P260 בהר- ראשון Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Behar- Aliyah 1
Kairey- Behar- Aliyah 2
Kairey- Behar- Aliyah 3
Kairey- Behar- Aliyah 4
3750 P261 בהר- שני Kairey- Behar- Aliyah 5
3751 P261 בהר- שלישי Kairey- Behar- Aliyah 6
3753 P262 בהר- חמישי Kairey- Behar- Aliyah 7
3754 P263 בהר- ששי Kairey- Behar- Aliyah 8
3755 P263 בהר- שביעי Kairey- Behar- Mashlim
3757 P264 בחוקתי- ראשון Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Behuqotai- Aliyah 1
3758 P264 בחוקתי- שני Kairey- Behuqotai- Aliyah 2
3759 P264 בחוקתי- שלישי Kairey- Behuqotai- Aliyah 3
Kairey- Behuqotai- Aliyah 4
3760 P267 בחוקתי- רביעי Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Behuqotai- Aliyah 5
3761 P268 בחוקתי- חמישי Kairey- Behuqotai- Aliyah 6
Kairey- Behuqotai- Aliyah 7
3763 P269 בחוקתי- שביעי Kairey- Behuqotai- Mashlim
3765 P271 במדבר- ראשון Sinai Wilderness. Tribal Leadership. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Bemidbar- Aliyah 1
Kairey- Bemidbar- Aliyah 2
Kairey- Bemidbar- Aliyah 3
Kairey- Bemidbar- Aliyah 4
3767 P274 במדבר- שלישי Tribal Flags. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Bemidbar- Aliyah 5
3769 P277 במדבר- חמישי The Levite Families. Kairey- Bemidbar- Aliyah 6
3771 P280 במדבר- שביעי The Role of Qehat Levites. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Bemidbar- Mashlim
3773 P281 נשא- ראשון The Role of Gershon Levites. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Naso- Aliyah 1
3774 P282 נשא- שני The Role of Merari Levites. Kairey- Naso- Aliyah 2
Kairey- Naso- Aliyah 3
3775 P283 נשא- שלישי The Leper. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Naso- Aliyah 4
3776 P284 נשא- רביעי Sotah.Nazir. The Priestly Blessing. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Naso- Aliyah 5
3777 P288 נשא- חמישי The Dedication of the Tabernacle. Sacrifices brought from each tribal leader. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Naso- Aliyah 6
3778 P291 נשא- ששי Sacrifices brought from each tribal leader. Kairey- Naso- Aliyah 7
Kairey- Naso- Mashlim
3781 P294 בהעלותך- ראשון The Menorah. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Behaalotekha- Aliyah 1
Kairey- Behaalotekha- Aliyah 2
Kairey- Behaalotekha- Aliyah 3
3782 P295 בהעלותך- שני Kairey- Behaalotekha- Aliyah 4
3783 P296 בהעלותך- שלישי Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Behaalotekha- Aliyah 5
3784 P297 בהעלותך- רביעי Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Behaalotekha- Aliyah 6
Kairey- Behaalotekha- Aliyah 7
3785 P298 בהעלותך- חמישי Departure from Mount Sinai. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Behaalotekha- Aliyah 8
3786 P300 בהעלותך- ששי Taberah. Food in the Wilderness. Kairey- Behaalotekha- Aliyah 9
3787 P302 בהעלותך- שביעי Moses' Cushite Wife. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Behaalotekha- Mashlim
3789 P304 שלח- ראשון The names of the spies. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Shelah- Aliyah 1
Kairey- Shelah- Aliyah 2
Kairey- Shelah- Aliyah 3
Kairey- Shelah- Aliyah 4
3790 P305 שלח- שני What the spies see in Canaan. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Shelah- Aliyah 5
3791 P306 שלח- שלישי The diatribe of the good spies. Kairey- Shelah- Aliyah 6
3793 P310 שלח- חמישי Additional sacrificial law. Kairey- Shelah- Aliyah 7
3794 P310 שלח- ששי Additional sacrificial law. Kairey- Shelah- Aliyah 8
3795 P311 שלח- שביעי A Sabbath violation. Fringes on garments (Seessit). Kairey- Shelah- Mashlim
3797 P312 קורח- ראשון Qorah's challenge to Aaron's leadership. Dathan's challenge to Moses' leadership. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Qorah- Aliyah 1
Kairey- Qorah- Aliyah 2
Kairey- Qorah- Aliyah 3
3798 P313 קורח- שני Kairey- Qorah- Aliyah 4
3799 P314 קורח- שלישי Aaronids and Levites. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Qorah- Aliyah 5
3801 P316 קורח- חמישי Aaronids and Levites. Kairey- Qorah- Aliyah 6
3802 P317 קורח- ששי Aaronids and Levites. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Qorah- Aliyah 7
3803 P319 קורח- שביעי Aaronids and Levites. Kairey- Qorah- Mashlim
3805 P320 חוקת- ראשון The Red Cow. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Huqat- Aliyah 1
Kairey- Huqat- Aliyah 2
Kairey- Huqat- Aliyah 3
3806 P321 חוקת- שני Water in the Wilderness. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Huqat- Aliyah 4
3809 P323 חוקת- חמישי The Death of Aaron. Israel and Arad. The Bronze Serpent. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Huqat- Aliyah 5
3810 P325 חוקת- ששי Journeys. Kairey- Huqat- Aliyah 6
Kairey- Huqat- Mashlim
3813 P327 בלק- ראשון Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Balaq- Aliyah 1
Kairey- Balaq- Aliyah 2
Kairey- Balaq- Aliyah 3
3814 P328 בלק- שני Kairey- Balaq- Aliyah 4
3815 P328 בלק- שלישי Kairey- Balaq- Aliyah 5
3816 P330 בלק- רביעי Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Balaq- Aliyah 6
3817 P331 בלק- חמישי Kairey- Balaq- Aliyah 7
3818 P332 בלק- ששי Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Balaq- Aliyah 8
Kairey- Balaq- Aliyah 9
3819 P333 בלק- שביעי The Heresy of Peor. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Balaq- Mashlim
3821 P334 פינחס- ראשון Reward of Pinehas. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Pinehas- Aliyah 1
Kairey- Pinehas- Aliyah 2
Kairey- Pinehas- Aliyah 3
3822 P335 פינחס- שני Census. Kairey- Pinehas- Aliyah 4
3824 P340 פינחס- רביעי The appointment of Joshua. Kairey- Pinehas- Aliyah 5
3825 P341 פינחס- חמישי Additional sacrificial law. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Pinehas- Aliyah 6
3826 P342 פינחס- ששי Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Pinehas- Aliyah 7
Kairey- Pinehas- Aliyah 8
3827 P344 פינחס- שביעי Kairey- Pinehas- Mashlim
3829 P346 מטות- ראשון Laws of Annulling Women's Vows. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Matot- Aliyah 1
Kairey- Matot- Aliyah 2
Kairey- Matot- Aliyah 3
Kairey- Matot- Aliyah 4
3831 P348 מטות- שלישי The Defeat of the Midianites. Kairey- Matot- Aliyah 5
3832 P349 מטות- רביעי The Defeat of the Midianites. Kairey- Matot- Aliyah 6
3834 P351 מטות- ששי Regarding Tribal Portions of Reuben and Gad. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Matot- Aliyah 7
3835 P352 מטות- שביעי Tribal Portions. Kairey- Matot- Mashlim
3837 P354 מסעי- ראשון Chapter 33: 1-49 is the Stations List. Should be read in one unit. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Masei- Aliyah 1
Kairey- Masei- Aliyah 2
3838 P355 מסעי- שני Stations List. Kairey- Masei- Aliyah 3
Kairey- Masei- Aliyah 4
3839 P356 מסעי- שלישי Official Borders of the Land of Israel. Tribal Portions. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Masei- Aliyah 5
3840 P358 מסעי- רביעי Names of New Tribal Leaders. Tribal Portions. Kairey- Masei- Aliyah 6
3841 P358 מסעי- חמישי Levite Cities. Tribal Portions. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Masei- Aliyah 7
3842 P359 מסעי- ששי Establishment of Cities of Refuge. Tribal Portions. Kairey- Masei- Aliyah 8
3843 P361 מסעי- שביעי Tribal Portions regarding the daughters of Selophehad. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Masei- Mashlim
3845 P363 דברים- ראשון Brief Historical Account. Moses' Introduction. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Debarim- Aliyah 1
Kairey- Debarim- Aliyah 2
Kairey- Debarim- Aliyah 3
3846 P363 דברים- שני Judges. Kairey- Debarim- Aliyah 4
3847 P364 דברים- שלישי Spies. Kairey- Debarim- Aliyah 5
3848 P365 דברים- רביעי Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Debarim- Aliyah 6
3849 P366 דברים- חמישי Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Debarim- Aliyah 7
3850 P368 דברים- ששי Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Debarim- Aliyah 8
3851 P370 דברים- שביעי Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Debarim- Mashlim
3853 P371 ואתחנן- ראשון Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vaethanan- Aliyah 1
Kairey- Vaethanan- Aliyah 2
3854 P372 ואתחנן- שני Priming for Covenant Ratification. Kairey- Vaethanan- Aliyah 3
Kairey- Vaethanan- Aliyah 4
3855 P375 ואתחנן- שלישי Cities of Refuge. Grand Opening of Law Code. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vaethanan- Aliyah 5
3856 P376 ואתחנן- רביעי The Ten Commandments. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vaethanan- Aliyah 6
3857 P377 ואתחנן- חמישי Kairey- Vaethanan- Aliyah 7
3858 P379 ואתחנן- ששי Shema Yisrael. Misvot. Mezuzah Kairey- Vaethanan- Aliyah 8
3859 P380 ואתחנן- שביעי Misvot. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vaethanan- Mashlim
3861 P382 עקב- ראשון Misvot. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Eqeb- Aliyah 1
Kairey- Eqeb- Aliyah 2
Kairey- Eqeb- Aliyah 3
3862 P384 עקב- שני Misvot. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Eqeb- Aliyah 4
3863 P385 עקב- שלישי Misvot. Kairey- Eqeb- Aliyah 5
3864 P387 עקב- רביעי Misvot. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Eqeb- Aliyah 6
3865 P388 עקב- חמישי Misvot. Kairey- Eqeb- Aliyah 7
3866 P390 עקב- ששי Misvot. Kairey- Eqeb- Aliyah 8
3867 P391 עקב- שביעי Misvot. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Eqeb- Mashlim
3869 P391 ראה- ראשון Huqqim. Expansion of First and Second Commandments: God is One. Against Idols. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Reeh- Aliyah 1
Kairey- Reeh- Aliyah 2
Kairey- Reeh- Aliyah 3
3870 P393 ראה- שני Huqqim. Centralized Worship. Kairey- Reeh- Aliyah 4
3871 P395 ראה- שלישי Huqqim. Expansion of Third Commandment: The Name of God in Vain. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Reeh- Aliyah 5
3872 P397 ראה- רביעי Huqqim. Dietary Laws. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Reeh- Aliyah 6
3873 P398 ראה- חמישי Huqqim. Tithe. Kairey- Reeh- Aliyah 7
3874 P399 ראה- ששי Huqqim. Expansion of the Fourth Commandment: Sabbatical Year. Loan Forgiveness. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Reeh- Aliyah 8
3875 P400 ראה- שביעי Huqqim. Expansion of the Fourth Commandment: Holidays. Kairey- Reeh- Aliyah 9
Kairey- Reeh- Mashlim
3877 P402 שפטים- ראשון Expansion of the Fifth Commandment: Honoring Authority: Judges. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Shofetim- Aliyah 1
Kairey- Shofetim- Aliyah 2
3878 P404 שפטים- שני Expansion of the Fifth Commandment: Honoring Authority: Kings. Kairey- Shofetim- Aliyah 3
3879 P405 שפטים- שלישי Expansion of the Fifth Commandment: Honoring Authority: Levites Priests. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Shofetim- Aliyah 4
3881 P405 שפטים- חמישי Expansion of the Fifth Commandment: Honoring Authority: Prophets. Expansion of Sixth Commandment: Murder. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Shofetim- Aliyah 5
3882 P407 שפטים- ששי Expansion of the Sixth Commandment: Murder Witnesses. Kairey- Shofetim- Aliyah 6
3883 P409 שפטים- שביעי Cities. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Shofetim- Mashlim
3885 P410 כי תצא- ראשון Women War Captive. Ben Sorer Umoreh. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Ki Tesse- Aliyah 1
Kairey- Ki Tesse- Aliyah 2
3886 P411 כי תצא- שני Proper Burial for Dead Bodies. Kairey- Ki Tesse- Aliyah 3
3887 P412 כי תצא- שלישי New House. Expansion of the Seventh Commandment: Building a New House. Marriage. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Ki Tesse- Aliyah 4
3888 P414 כי תצא- רביעי Expansion of the Eighth Commandment: Monetary Interactions. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Ki Tesse- Aliyah 5
3889 P415 כי תצא- חמישי Divorce. Kairey- Ki Tesse- Aliyah 6
3890 P416 כי תצא- ששי New Marriage. Kairey- Ki Tesse- Aliyah 7
3891 P417 כי תצא- שביעי Honest and Timely Wages. Expansion of Ninth Commandment: False Witnesses. Expansion of Tenth Commandment: Jealousy. Remember Amaleq. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Ki Tesse- Mashlim
3893 P419 כי תבוא- ראשון Ceremony when entering new land. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Ki Tabo- Aliyah 1
Kairey- Ki Tabo- Aliyah 2
Kairey- Ki Tabo- Aliyah 3
3894 P420 כי תבוא- שני Tithe. Kairey- Ki Tabo- Aliyah 4
3895 P420 כי תבוא- שלישי Kairey- Ki Tabo- Aliyah 5
3896 P421 כי תבוא- רביעי Conclusion of Law Code. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Ki Tabo- Aliyah 6
3898 P423 כי תבוא- ששי Blessings and Curses (28). Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Ki Tabo- Aliyah 7
3899 P428 כי תבוא- שביעי Moses' Conclusion. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Ki Tabo- Mashlim
3901 P429 נצבים- ראשון Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Nissabim- Aliyah 1
3902 P429 נצבים- שני Kairey- Nissabim- Aliyah 2
3903 P429 נצבים- שלישי Kairey- Nissabim- Aliyah 3
3904 P430 נצבים- רביעי Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Nissabim- Aliyah 4
3905 P431 נצבים- חמישי Kairey- Nissabim- Aliyah 5
3906 P431 נצבים- ששי Kairey- Nissabim- Aliyah 6
3907 P432 נצבים- שביעי Kairey- Nissabim- Mashlim
3909 P432 וילך- ראשון Moses' Conclusion. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Vayelekh- Aliyah 1
3910 P433 וילך- שני Moses' Conclusion. Kairey- Vayelekh- Aliyah 2
3911 P433 וילך- שלישי Moses' Conclusion. Kairey- Vayelekh- Aliyah 3
3912 P433 וילך- רביעי Hakhel Ceremony on Sukkot Festival. Kairey- Vayelekh- Aliyah 4
3913 P434 וילך- חמישי The appointment of Joshua. Introduction to the Song of Moses. Kairey- Vayelekh- Aliyah 5
3914 P434 וילך- ששי Introduction to the Song of Moses. The Torah. Kairey- Vayelekh- Aliyah 6
3915 P435 וילך- שביעי The Torah. Introduction to the Song of Moses. Kairey- Vayelekh- Mashlim
3917 P435 האזינו- ראשון Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Haazinu- Aliyah 1
Kairey- Haazinu- Aliyah 2
3918 P436 האזינו- שני Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Haazinu- Aliyah 3
3919 P436 האזינו- שלישי Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Haazinu- Aliyah 4
3920 P436 האזינו- רביעי Kairey- Haazinu- Aliyah 5
3921 P437 האזינו- חמישי Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Haazinu- Aliyah 6
3922 P438 האזינו- ששי Kairey- Haazinu- Aliyah 7
3923 P438 האזינו- שביעי Moses' last words (32:45-47). Before the Death of Moses 32:48-52). Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- Haazinu- Aliyah 8
Kairey- Haazinu- Mashlim
3925 P439 וזאת הברכה- ראשון Introduction to the Blessings. Reuben. Judah (and allusion to Simeon). Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- VeZot- Aliyah 1
3926 P439 וזאת הברכה- שני Levi. Binyamin. Kairey- VeZot- Aliyah 2
3927 P440 וזאת הברכה- שלישי Joseph (Ephraim and Menasse). Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- VeZot- Aliyah 3
3928 P440 וזאת הברכה- רביעי Zebulum. Issakhar. Gad. Kairey- VeZot- Aliyah 4
3929 P440 וזאת הברכה- חמישי Dan. Naftali. Asher. Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- VeZot- Aliyah 5
3930 P440 וזאת הברכה- ששי Hatan Me'Onah. Kairey- VeZot- Aliyah 6
3931 P441 וזאת הברכה- שביעי The Death of Moses. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Kairey- VeZot- Aliyah 7
Haftarot 3932 P446 הפטרת בראשית Isaiah 42:5–21. M Kairey
בריאת העולם
Haftarot 3933 P448 הפטרת נח Isaiah 54:1–10. M Kairey
מי נח זאת לי
Haftarot 3934 P449 הפטרת לך לך Isaiah 40:27-41:16. M Kairey
זרע אברהם אהבי
Haftarot 3935 P451 הפטרת וירא 2 Kings 4:1-23. M Kairey
למועד הזה כעת חיה את חבקת בן
Haftarot 3936 P455 הפטרת חיי שרה 1 Kings 1:1-31. M Kairey
זקן בא בימים
Haftarot 3937 P458 הפטרת תולדות Malachi 1:1–2:7. M Kairey
יעקב ועשו
Haftarot 3938 P461 הפטרת ויצא Hosea 11:7–12:12. M Kairey
Haftarot 3939 P462 הפטרת וישלח Obadiah 1:1–21. M Kairey
ספר עובדיה
Haftarot 3940 P464 הפטרת וישב Amos 2:6–3:8. M Kairey
על מכרם בכסף צדיק
Haftarot 3941 P466 הפטרת מקץ 1 Kings 3:15–4:1. M Kairey
ויקץ שלמה והנה חלום
Haftarot 3942 P468 הפטרת ויגש Ezekiel 37:15–28. M Kairey
התחברות בית יהודה ויוסף
Haftarot 3943 P470 הפטרת ויחי 1 Kings 2:1–12. M Kairey
ויקרבו ימי למות
Haftarot 3944 P471 הפטרת שמות Jeremiah 1:1–2:3. M Kairey
בטרם אצרך בבטן ידעתיך
Haftarot 3945 P474 הפטרת וארא Ezekiel 28:25–29:21. M Kairey
נבואת יחזקאל על פרעה מלך מצרים
Haftarot 3946 P476 הפטרת בא Jeremiah 46:13–28. M Kairey
נבואת ירמיה על פרעה מלך מצרים
Haftarot 3948 P483 הפטרת יתרו Isaiah 6:1–13. M Kairey
והבית ימלא עשן
Haftarot 3949 P485 הפטרת משפטים Jeremiah 34:8–22 & 33:25–26. M Kairey
שחרור עבד עברי בשנה השביעית
Haftarot 3951 P489 הפטרת תצוה Ezekiel 43:10–27 M Kairey
בית המקדש העתיד והכהנים והמזבח
Haftarot 3952 P491 הפטרת כי תשא 1 Kings 18:20–39. M Kairey
אליהו ונביאי הבעל
Haftarot 3953 P494 הפטרת ויקהל 1 Kings 7:13–26. M Kairey
חכמה לעשות מלאכת הקודש
Haftarot 3955 P498 הפטרת ויקרא Isaiah 43:21–44:23. M Kairey
לא הביאת לי שה עלתיך
Haftarot 3956 P501 הפטרת צו Jeremiah 7:21–8:3; 9:22–23. M Kairey
עולות וזבחים
Haftarot 3957 P502 הפטרת שמיני 2 Samuel 6:1-19. M Kairey
מות עזא אצל הארון
Haftarot 3958 P504 הפטרת תזריע 2 Kings 4:42–5:19. M Kairey
צרעת נעמן
Haftarot 3959 P506 הפטרת מצורע 2 Kings 7:3–20. M Kairey
המצורעים בשער שמרון
Haftarot 3960 P509 הפטרת אחרי מות Ezekiel 22:1–16. M Kairey
Haftarot 3962 P512 הפטרת אמור Ezekiel 44:15–31. M Kairey
קדושת הכהנים בני צדוק
Haftarot 3963 P514 הפטרת בהר Jeremiah 32:6–22. M Kairey
משפט הירושה- עוד יקנו בתים בארץ הזאת
Haftarot 3964 P516 הפטרת בחוקתי Jeremiah 16:19–17:14. Aleppo Codex- Jeremiah 16 M Kairey- Haftarah Behuqotai
M Kairey
ברוך הגבר אשר יבטח
Haftarot 3965 P518 הפטרת במדבר Hosea 2:1–22. M Kairey
וארשתיך לי לעולם
Haftarot 3966 P520 הפטרת נשא Judges 13:2–25. M Kairey
לידת שמשון
Haftarot 3967 P523 הפטרת בהעלותך Zechariah 2:14–4:7. M Kairey
המנורה- לא בחיל ולא בכח כי אם ברוחי
Haftarot 3968 P525 הפטרת שלח Joshua 2:1–24. M Kairey
מרגלים ביריחו
Haftarot 3969 P528 הפטרת קורח 1 Samuel 11:14–12:22. M Kairey
Haftarot 3970 P531 הפטרת חוקת Judges 11:1–33. M Kairey
יפתח הגלעדי
Haftarot 3971 P535 הפטרת בלק Micah 5:6–6:8. M Kairey
על בלק ובלעם
Haftarot 3972 P537 הפטרת פינחס 1 Kings 18:46-19:21. M Kairey
בקנאו את קנאתי
Haftarot 3973 P540 הפטרת מטות Jeremiah 1:1-2:3. M Kairey
דברי ירמיהו
Haftarot 3974 P542 הפטרת מסעי Jeremiah 2:4-28 & 4:1-2. M Kairey
שבת שמעו
Haftarot 3975 P545 הפטרת דברים Isaiah 1:1–27. M Kairey
שבת חזון
Haftarot 3976 P547 הפטרת ואתחנן Isaiah 40:1–26. Week 1 of Consolation. M Kairey
שבת נחמו
Haftarot 3977 P549 הפטרת עקב Isaiah 49:14–51:3. Week 2 of Consolation. M Kairey
ותאמר ציון
Haftarot 3978 P552 הפטרת ראה Isaiah 54:11–55:5. Week 3 of Consolation. M Kairey
עניה סערה לא נחמה
Haftarot 3979 P553 הפטרת שפטים Isaiah 51:12–52:12. Week 4 of Consolation. M Kairey
אנכי אנכי הוא מנחמכם
Haftarot 3980 P557 הפטרת כי תצא Isaiah 54:1-10. Week 5 of Consolation. M Kairey
רני עקרה לא ילדה
Haftarot 3981 P558 הפטרת כי תבוא Isaiah 60:1-22. Week 6 of Consolation. M Kairey
קומי אורי
Haftarot 3982 P560 הפטרת נצבים Isaiah 61:10-63:9. Week 7 of Consolation. M Kairey
שוש אשיש
Haftarot 3983 P564 הפטרת וילך Hosea 14:2-10 & Micah 7:18-20. Shabbat Shubah. M Kairey
שבת שובה
Haftarot 3984 P565 הפטרת האזינו 2 Samuel 22:1-51. Shabbat between Yom Kippur and Sukkot. M Kairey
שירת דוד
Haftarot 3997 P599 הפטרת ב חנוכה 1 Kings 7:40-50. M Kairey
Pentateuch 4081 P442 סדר שמות הטעמים Names of the Ta'amim. M Kairey
4083.1 ברכות השחר M Kairey
4084.3 אשרי יושבי ביתך Psalm 145. M Kairey - Sigah
4085 N3 הללויה הללו אל בקדשו Psalm 150. M Kairey- Ajam
4085.1 ויברך דויד 1 Chronicles 29; Nehemia 9. M Kairey
4085.2 ויושע ה' ביום ההוא Exodus 14, 15. M Kairey
4086 N3 כי לה' המלוכה M Kairey- Sigah Shabbat