March 29, 2025 ~ Sh PEQUDEI. NAWAH or SABA.
Meyer 'Mickey' Kairey was a well-known community leader who taught Pizmonim, Hazzanut, and Torah Reading to thousands of students in Magen David Yeshiva and various synagogues. He focused his effort on teaching Qeriah, or proper reading skills, to young men at the age of their Bar Misvah. He was a student of H Eliahou Menaged, a master of Hazzanut and pizmonim, and was the Hazzan and overall caretaker of Magen David Congregation of 67th Street. His door was always open to every community member in their times of need and in their times of celebration. In addition to serving the community, he also took great pride in serving his country during World War II; partaking in D-Day in 1944 and liberating Jews from concentration camps. Mickey started Maoz LaEvyon which later became Sephardic Bikur Holim. He was also involved with the Hebra Qadisha of our community. Despite his involvement with taking care of the dead, Mickey was a man who was very much alive; always staying young. On the last few days of his life, he was still challenging his visitors to games of ping pong and pool. He passed away on Friday, March 4, 2016, at the age of 93, but his memory will live on through the recordings on this website and in the hearts and minds of all of his students.
Section | Pizmon | Page | Song | Commentary | Recordings | Application |
Baqashot | 42 | 51 | מהללך ורוב גדלך | ![]() |
M. Kairey M. Kairey (Domamim) |
נשמת |
Baqashot | 52 | 60 | יום ליום אודה | ![]() |
M. Kairey |
שועת עניים |
Rast | 106 | 107 | יום יום תמיד | ![]() |
M. Kairey |
נקדישך |
Rast | 132 | 120 | יחיד נורא | ![]() |
M. Kairey |
Rast | 135 | 121 | מה נעים החתן | ![]() |
M. Kairey |
ממצרים |
Rast | 141 | 124 | נשאם עד העולם | ![]() |
M. Kairey |
שמחים |
Rast | 142 | 124 | אני לשמך אהלל | ![]() |
M. Kairey |
אל ההודאות |
Rast | 147 | 127 | מלך שוכן | ![]() |
M. Kairey |
Rast | 149 | 128 | תען לשוני ותגיד | ![]() |
M. Kairey |
ממצרים |
Rast | 151 | 130 | מלכי לעם איתני | ![]() |
M. Kairey |
כתר |
Rast | 153 | 131 | מבשר אתן | ![]() |
M. Kairey |
Mahour | 181 | 151 | חנון רחם | ![]() |
M Kairey |
פזמון |
Ajam | 202 | 166 | מעוז צור | "Maoz Sur Yeshuati" (AJAM, page 166), a piece from the 13th century Eastern Europe, is considered the most famous Jewish hymns for the festival of Hanukkah. The name of the song, meaning "Strong Rock, My Salvation," is a reference to God, and the song, throughout its 6 stanzas (acrostic: מרדכי חזק), recounts the many times that God saved the Jewish people. The hymn retells Jewish history in poetic form and celebrates deliverance from four ancient enemies, Pharaoh, Nebuchadnezzar, Haman, and Antiochus. In the first stanza, it says that God saved us during the times when the enemies are about to slaughter us, and this is when we rededicated the altar, a reference to the festival Hanukkah. The melody of this piece, according to Cantor Birnbaum of Konigsberg, is adapted from the old German folk-song "So weiss ich eins," and has been widely spread among German Jews as early as 1450. It has become tradition to sing the first verse of this song after lighting the Hanukkah candles. |
M Kairey |
כתר |
Ajam | 205 | 168 | מלך רחמן | ![]() ![]() |
M Kairey |
נשמת |
Ajam | 215 | 173 | מקהלות עם | ![]() |
M Kairey |
נקדישך |
Ajam | 229 | 180 | אל רם ארנן | ![]() |
M Kairey |
Ajam | 231 | 181 | שמך יתרומם | ![]() |
M Kairey |
ממצרים |
Nahwand | 271 | 213 | אחזה בנועם | ![]() |
M Kairey |
פזמון |
Nahwand | 278 | 216 | רחום אתה | ![]() |
M Kairey |
ממצרים |
Bayat | 333 | 255 | ידידי השכחת | Matan Torah. |
M Kairey |
קדיש |
Bayat | 336 | 257 | רנה ותהלה ישראל | ![]() |
M Kairey |
שמחים |
Bayat | 341 | 261 | הבו גודל | ![]() |
M Kairey |
שועת עניים |
Bayat | 342 | 262 | אבות הבנים | ![]() |
M Kairey |
Bayat | 360 | 277 | יוצר אדמה | This pizmon (BAYAT, page 277), whose title translates as "Former of Earth, Creator of Heaven," is an ode to the Tefillin (phylacteries). Tefillin are small leather boxes containing biblical texts that are worn at prayers. Composed in the mid-nineteenth century in Aleppo by a "H Meir Sasson" (acrostic: מאיר ששון), this song is most associated with the Bar Misvah ceremony; when, traditionally, a 13 year old boy wears the Tefillin for the first time. There are 8 rhyming stanzas in this song with opening line, "Yosser Adama," serving as the repeating chorus. The melody of this pizmon, adapted from the Arabic song "Saq Al Morama," can be applied to Hashem Melekh when praying in Maqam BAYAT. Throughout the stanzas, different aspects of the Tefillin are alluded to (i.e. four compartments, written on parchment, letters Shin, Dalet, and Yod, etc). The fifth stanza is a reminder that the misvah of the Tefillin needs to be safeguarded, and that wearing them shows God's glory. The sixth stanza states that Tefillin also serves as a protective shield against evil. The song concludes with a prayer for God to take revenge on all those who do not uphold the various commandments (such as the Tefillin). British Library Or. 10375 |
M Kairey |
ה' מלך |
Bayat | 389 | 313 | צור יה אל | ![]() |
M Kairey |
פזמון |
Hoseni | 409 | 334 | דעת ומזמה | ![]() |
M Kairey |
נקדישך |
Sigah | 518 | 435 | אתה מרום | This pizmon (SIGAH, page 435), whose title is translated as "You, Who Lives in Heaven and Resides Above," is a song for the Yom Tob festivals. The acrostic of this song is Abraham (אברהם), and there is a reference here to each of the three patriarchs. What makes this song unique is that each of the five rhyming stanzas ends with a biblical source referencing God's name. The song begins with how the author and the entire community will rejoice and praise God at happy occasions; in the happiness of the bride and groom (in the first stanza), and in the happiness of the Yom Tob festivals (in the second stanza). The third stanza then asks that God, the merciful One, will spread his kindness on the children of Abraham. The fourth stanza says that we should praise God, because He will rebuild the Beit HaMiqdash where we will soon offer sacrifices to God in the future. The poem concludes (in the fifth stanza) with a plea to fulfill the prophecy of Ezekiel of returning to Zion, rebuilding the Temple, and then sending the Messiah, from the House of King David, to redeem the Jewish nation. Due to the song’s clear reference to “Eleh Moadei Hashem (Leviticus 23:4),” the source in the Torah that discusses the annual holiday cycle, this can be used as a PIZMON SEFER TORAH on the Shalosh Regalim. Tabbush Manuscript |
M. Kairey |
Sigah | 529 | 443 | מצפה לזמן | ![]() |
M. Kairey |
ה' מלך |
Sigah | 552.1 | 458 | נגילה הללויה | ![]() ![]() |
M. Kairey |
Hijaz | 594 | 492 | רנו גילו | ![]() |
M Kairey |
נקדישך |
2104 | 514v | אוחילה לאל אחלה פניו | This is also used prior to the Amidah of Musaf on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. |
M Kairey |
נשמת | |
Minha-Arbit | 2386.5 | W9 | Full Weekday Amidah |
M Kairey- Sigah Weekdays |
2403 | W23 | קריאת שמע | Sample of the Shema portion. |
Mickey Kairey |
Mishle | 3004 | משלי | Maqam Sigah (but different than Torah). Portions of this book are read during services. Some have a custom of reading this book during Shabuot. The passage "Eshet Hayil," read on Friday night Kiddush, is from this book. |
![]() |
Iyob | 3005 | איוב | Ancient undeveloped Rast. Chapter 1-3:1 (narrative) is read like Megillat Ruth. From 3:2 and onwards is read like Iyob. This book is read on Tisha B'Ab. |
![]() ![]() |
Ruth | 3007 | R1 | מגילת רות | Maqam Hoseni.This book is read on Shabuot. Aleppo Codex- Ruth 1 Aleppo Codex- Ruth 2 Aleppo Codex- Ruth 3 Aleppo Codex- Ruth 4 |
Mickey Kairey- Ruth Chap 1 |
Lamentations | 3008 | L1 | מגילת איכה | Maqam Ajam. Read on Tisha B'Ab. |
M. Kairey |
Esther | 3020 | E1 | מגילת אסתר | Tiqun Esther Ch 1 Tiqun Esther Ch 2 Tiqun Esther Ch 3 Tiqun Esther Ch 4 Tiqun Esther Ch 5 Tiqun Esther Ch 6 Tiqun Esther Ch 7 Tiqun Esther Ch 8 Tiqun Esther Ch 9 Tiqun Esther Ch 10 |
M Kairey - Full |
Esther | 3021 | E1 | אסתר פרק א | ![]() |
M Kairey- Chapter 1 |
Esther | 3022 | E3 | אסתר פרק ב | Tiqun Esther Chapter 2 |
M Kairey- Chapter 2 |
Esther | 3023 | E6 | אסתר פרק ג | Tiqun Esther Chapter 3 |
M Kairey- Chapter 3 |
Esther | 3024 | E7 | אסתר פרק ד | Tiqun Esther Chapter 4 |
M Kairey- Chapter 4 |
Esther | 3025 | E9 | אסתר פרק ה | Tiqun Esther Chapter 5 |
M Kairey- Chapter 5 |
Esther | 3026 | E11 | אסתר פרק ו | Tiqun Esther Chapter 6 |
M Kairey- Chapter 6 |
Esther | 3027 | E12 | אסתר פרק ז | Tiqun Esther Chapter 7 |
M Kairey- Chapter 7 |
Esther | 3028 | E13 | אסתר פרק ח | Tiqun Esther Chapter 8 |
M Kairey- Chapter 8 |
Esther | 3029 | E16 | אסתר פרק ט | Tiqun Esther Chapter 9 |
M Kairey- Chapter 9 |
Esther | 3030 | E19 | אסתר פרק י | Tiqun Esther Chapter 10 |
M Kairey- Chapter 10 |
3501 | P3 | בראשית- ראשון | Creation I. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Bereshit- Aliyah 1-6 |
3502 | P5 | בראשית- שני | Creation II. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Bereshit- Aliyah 7 Kairey- Bereshit- Aliyah 8 |
3503 | P6 | בראשית- שלישי | Garden of Eden. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Bereshit- Aliyah 9 |
3504 | P8 | בראשית- רביעי | Qayin and Hebel. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Bereshit- Aliyah 10 Kairey- Bereshit- Aliyah 11 Kairey- Bereshit- Aliyah 12 |
3505 | P10 | בראשית- חמישי | Qayin Genealogy. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Bereshit- Mashlim |
3509 | P13 | נח- ראשון | Building the Ark. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Noah- Aliyah 1 Kairey- Noah- Aliyah 2 Kairey- Noah- Aliyah 3 |
3510 | P14 | נח- שני | Collecting Animals. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Noah- Aliyah 4 Kairey- Noah- Aliyah 5 |
3512 | P17 | נח- רביעי | Leaving the Ark. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Noah- Aliyah 6 Kairey- Noah- Aliyah 7 Kairey- Noah- Aliyah 8 |
3513 | P18 | נח- חמישי | Rainbow Covenant. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Noah- Aliyah 9 Kairey- Noah- Aliyah 10 |
3514 | P18 | נח- ששי | Noah's drunkenness. Genealogy of Noah's children. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Noah- Aliyah 11 Kairey- Noah- Aliyah 12 |
3515 | P21 | נח- שביעי | Towel of Babel. Generations from Shem to Abram. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Noah- Aliyah 13 Kairey- Noah- Mashlim |
3517 | P23 | לך לך- ראשון | Abram's Migration from Haran. Promise from God. Famine in Egypt. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Lekh Lekha- Aliyah 1 Kairey- Lekh Lekha- Aliyah 2 Kairey- Lekh Lekha- Aliyah 3 |
3518 | P24 | לך לך- שני | Sarai wife/sister with Pharaoh. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Lekh Lekha- Aliyah 4 |
3519 | P24 | לך לך- שלישי | Separation from Lot. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Lekh Lekha- Aliyah 5 |
3520 | P25 | לך לך- רביעי | War between Kings. Malkisedeq King of Salem. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Lekh Lekha- Aliyah 6 |
3521 | P27 | לך לך- חמישי | King of Sedom. Number the Stars. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Lekh Lekha- Aliyah 7 |
3522 | P28 | לך לך- ששי | Covenant of the Parts (Berit Ben HaBetarim). Sarai is barren. Hagar and Ishmael. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Lekh Lekha- Aliyah 8 Kairey- Lekh Lekha- Aliyah 9 Kairey- Lekh Lekha- Aliyah 10 |
3523 | P30 | לך לך- שביעי | Berit Milah Covenant. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Lekh Lekha- Aliyah 11 Kairey- Lekh Lekha- Mashlim |
3525 | P32 | וירא- ראשון | The Three Visitors. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vayera- Aliyah 1 Kairey- Vayera- Aliyah 2 |
3526 | P33 | וירא- שני | Sarah Laughs. The Righteous of Sedom? Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vayera- Aliyah 3 Kairey- Vayera- Aliyah 4 |
3528 | P36 | וירא- רביעי | Sarah wife/sister with Abimelekh. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vayera- Aliyah 5 |
3529 | P39 | וירא- חמישי | Birth of Isaac. Expulsion of Ishmael. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vayera- Aliyah 6 Kairey- Vayera- Aliyah 7 |
3530 | P40 | וירא- ששי | Abraham and Abimelekh. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vayera- Aliyah 8 Kairey- Vayera- Aliyah 9 |
3531 | P41 | וירא- שביעי | Binding of Isaac (Aqedat YisHaq). Genealogy of Nahor and Milkah. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vayera- Aliyah 10 Kairey- Vayera- Aliyah 11 Kairey- Vayera- Mashlim |
3533 | P43 | חיי שרה- ראשון | Death of Sarah and Purchase of Cave of Machpelah burial plot. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Haye Sarah- Aliyah 1 Kairey- Haye Sarah- Aliyah 2 Kairey- Haye Sarah- Aliyah 3 |
3534 | P44 | חיי שרה- שני | Search for the Wife of Isaac in Haran. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Haye Sarah- Aliyah 4 |
3535 | P45 | חיי שרה- שלישי | Ribeqah's generosity to Abraham's servant. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Haye Sarah- Aliyah 5 Kairey- Haye Sarah- Aliyah 6 Kairey- Haye Sarah- Aliyah 7 |
3536 | P47 | חיי שרה- רביעי | Transaction to marry off Ribeqah to Isaac. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Haye Sarah- Aliyah 8 Kairey- Haye Sarah- Aliyah 9 Kairey- Haye Sarah- Aliyah 10 Kairey- Haye Sarah- Aliyah 11 |
3537 | P49 | חיי שרה- חמישי | Ribeqah and Isaac. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Haye Sarah- Aliyah 12 Kairey- Haye Sarah- Aliyah 13 |
3538 | P50 | חיי שרה- ששי | Abraham's Later Years, Sons of Qeturah, and eventual death. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Haye Sarah- Aliyah 14 Kairey- Haye Sarah- Mashlim |
3541 | P52 | תולדות- ראשון | Genealogy of Isaac: Birth of Jacob and Esau. The Birthright. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Toledot- Aliyah 1 Kairey- Toledot- Aliyah 2 Kairey- Toledot- Aliyah 3 |
3542 | P53 | תולדות- שני | Isaac and Abimelekh: Ribeqah wife/sister. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Toledot- Aliyah 4 |
3543 | P54 | תולדות- שלישי | Isaac and Abimelekh: The Wells. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Toledot- Aliyah 5 |
3545 | P55 | תולדות- חמישי | Esau and Jacob. The Blessing Deception. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Toledot- Aliyah 6 |
3546 | P56 | תולדות- ששי | The Blessings Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Toledot- Aliyah 7 Kairey- Toledot- Aliyah 8 Kairey- Toledot- Aliyah 9 Kairey- Toledot- Mashlim |
3549 | P58 | ויצא- ראשון | Jacob's Dream. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vayesse- Aliyah 1 Kairey- Vayesse- Aliyah 2 Kairey- Vayesse- Aliyah 3 |
3550 | P59 | ויצא- שני | Rachel Comes with the Sheep. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vayesse- Aliyah 4 |
3551 | P60 | ויצא- שלישי | Negotiation with Laban. Deception. Marriage. Children: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naftali, Gad, Asher. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vayesse- Aliyah 5 |
3553 | P63 | ויצא- חמישי | Business with Laban. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vayesse- Aliyah 6 Kairey- Vayesse- Aliyah 7 |
3554 | P66 | ויצא- ששי | Jacob's Escape. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vayesse- Aliyah 8 Kairey- Vayesse- Mashlim |
3557 | P69 | וישלח- ראשון | Esau's Messengers. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vayishlah- Aliyah 1 Kairey- Vayishlah- Aliyah 2 Kairey- Vayishlah- Aliyah 3 |
3558 | P70 | וישלח- שני | Splitting the Camps. Battle of Jacob. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vayishlah- Aliyah 4 |
3559 | P71 | וישלח- שלישי | Confrontation. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vayishlah- Aliyah 5 |
3560 | P71 | וישלח- רביעי | Return of the Blessing. Shekhem. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vayishlah- Aliyah 6 |
3561 | P72 | וישלח- חמישי | Dinah's intermarriage. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vayishlah- Aliyah 7 Kairey- Vayishlah- Aliyah 8 Kairey- Vayishlah- Aliyah 9 Kairey- Vayishlah- Aliyah 10 Kairey- Vayishlah- Aliyah 11 Kairey- Vayishlah- Aliyah 12 |
3562 | P75 | וישלח- ששי | Beit El. Death of Rachel. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vayishlah- Aliyah 13 |
3563 | P78 | וישלח- שביעי | Generations of Esau. Kings of Edom. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vayishlah- Aliyah 14 Kairey- Vayishlah- Mashlim |
Pentateuch | 3564 | P79 | פרשת וישב | Vayesheb (Genesis 37:1-40:23). Leadership of The Next Generation: Joseph and Judah. Leningrad Codex |
Vayesheb - M Kairey |
מכירת יוסף |
3565 | P79 | וישב- ראשון | Joseph's Dreams. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vayesheb- Aliyah 1 Kairey- Vayesheb- Aliyah 2 Kairey- Vayesheb- Aliyah 3 |
3566 | P80 | וישב- שני | The Plot against Joseph. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vayesheb- Aliyah 4 |
3567 | P81 | וישב- שלישי | The Pit. Sale of Joseph. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vayesheb- Aliyah 5 |
3569 | P84 | וישב- חמישי | Joseph and Potiphar's Wife. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vayesheb- Aliyah 6 |
3570 | P84 | וישב- ששי | Joseph in Jail. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vayesheb- Aliyah 7 |
3571 | P86 | וישב- שביעי | Dreams of Butler and Baker. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vayesheb- Aliyah 8 Kairey- Vayesheb- Aliyah 9 Kairey- Vayesheb- Mashlim |
3573 | P87 | מקץ- ראשון | Dreams of Pharaoh. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Miqes- Aliyah 1 Kairey- Miqes- Aliyah 2 Kairey- Miqes- Aliyah 3 |
3574 | P88 | מקץ- שני | Interpretation of Dreams. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Miqes- Aliyah 4 Kairey- Miqes- Aliyah 5 |
3575 | P90 | מקץ- שלישי | Rise of Joseph. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Miqes- Aliyah 6 Kairey- Miqes- Aliyah 7 Kairey- Miqes- Aliyah 8 |
3576 | P91 | מקץ- רביעי | Famine throughout Middle East. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Miqes- Aliyah 9 Kairey- Miqes- Aliyah 10 |
3577 | P93 | מקץ- חמישי | Accusations. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Miqes- Aliyah 11 Kairey- Miqes- Aliyah 12 |
3578 | P96 | מקץ- ששי | Interaction between Joseph and Brothers. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Miqes- Aliyah 13 Kairey- Miqes- Mashlim |
3581 | P98 | ויגש- ראשון | Judah's plea to Joseph. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vayigash- Aliyah 1 Kairey- Vayigash- Aliyah 2 Kairey- Vayigash- Aliyah 3 |
3582 | P99 | ויגש- שני | "I am Joseph. Is my father still alive?" Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vayigash- Aliyah 4 |
3583 | P100 | ויגש- שלישי | Reunification. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vayigash- Aliyah 5 |
3584 | P101 | ויגש- רביעי | News Reaches Jacob. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vayigash- Aliyah 6 |
3585 | P102 | ויגש- חמישי | Israel Sojourn to Egypt. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vayigash- Aliyah 7 Kairey- Vayigash- Aliyah 8 Kairey- Vayigash- Aliyah 9 |
3586 | P103 | ויגש- ששי | Israelites in the Land of Goshen. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vayigash- Aliyah 10 Kairey- Vayigash- Aliyah 11 Kairey- Vayigash- Aliyah 12 |
3587 | P105 | ויגש- שביעי | Joseph's Tax. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vayigash- Mashlim |
3589 | P106 | ויחי- ראשון | Jacob's Later Years. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vayehi- Aliyah 1 Kairey- Vayehi- Aliyah 2 Kairey- Vayehi- Aliyah 3 |
3590 | P107 | ויחי- שני | Blessing of Ephraim and Menasse. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vayehi- Aliyah 4 |
3591 | P108 | ויחי- שלישי | Criss Cross of Hands. |
Kairey- Vayehi- Aliyah 5 |
3592 | P108 | ויחי- רביעי | Blessings of Jacob's Children (Reuben-Dan). Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vayehi- Aliyah 6 |
3594 | P110 | ויחי- ששי | Death and Mourning of Jacob. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vayehi- Aliyah 7 Kairey- Vayehi- Mashlim |
3597 | P113 | שמות- ראשון | Pharaoh's Decree to Kill Male Babies. Hebrew Midwives. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Shemot- Aliyah 1 Kairey- Shemot- Aliyah 2 |
3598 | P114 | שמות- שני | Birth of Moses. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Shemot- Aliyah 3 Kairey- Shemot- Aliyah 4 |
3599 | P115 | שמות- שלישי | Exile of Moses. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Shemot- Aliyah 5 |
3600 | P116 | שמות- רביעי | Burning Bush Revelation. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Shemot- Aliyah 6 Kairey- Shemot- Aliyah 7 Kairey- Shemot- Aliyah 8 |
3601 | P117 | שמות- חמישי | God Charges Moses to Return to Egypt. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Shemot- Aliyah 9 Kairey- Shemot- Aliyah 10 Kairey- Shemot- Aliyah 11 |
3602 | P119 | שמות- ששי | Return to Egypt. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Shemot- Aliyah 12 |
3603 | P120 | שמות- שביעי | Confrontation with Pharaoh. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Shemot- Mashlim |
3605 | P122 | וארא- ראשון | Covenant between God and Moses. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vaera- Aliyah 2 M Kairey- Vaera- Aliyah 1 |
3606 | P123 | וארא- שני | Abreviated Genealogy of Moses. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vaera- Aliyah 3 Kairey- Vaera- Aliyah 4 Kairey- Vaera- Aliyah 5 Kairey- Vaera- Aliyah 6 |
3607 | P124 | וארא- שלישי | Approaching Pharaoh. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vaera- Aliyah 7 |
3608 | P125 | וארא- רביעי | Plagues: Blood, Frogs. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vaera- Aliyah 8 Kairey- Vaera- Aliyah 9 Kairey- Vaera- Aliyah 10 |
3609 | P127 | וארא- חמישי | Plagues: Frogs, Lice. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vaera- Aliyah 11 Kairey- Vaera- Aliyah 12 Kairey- Vaera- Aliyah 13 |
3610 | P128 | וארא- ששי | Plagues: Until Hail. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vaera- Aliyah 14 Kairey- Vaera- Aliyah 15 |
3611 | P130 | וארא- שביעי | Plague: Hail. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vaera- Mashlim |
3613 | P132 | בא- ראשון | Plague: Locusts. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Bo- Aliyah 1 Kairey- Bo- Aliyah 2 Kairey- Bo- Aliyah 3 |
3615 | P134 | בא- שלישי | Warning against last plague. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Bo- Aliyah 4 |
3616 | P134 | בא- רביעי | Passover in Egypt. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Bo- Aliyah 5 |
3617 | P137 | בא- חמישי | Passover Sacrifice. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Bo- Aliyah 6 Kairey- Bo- Aliyah 7 |
3618 | P138 | בא- ששי | Death of First Borns. The Exodus from Egypt. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Bo- Aliyah 8 Kairey- Bo- Aliyah 9 Kairey- Bo- Aliyah 10 Kairey- Bo- Aliyah 11 |
3619 | P139 | בא- שביעי | Santification of the First Born and Commandments Relating to the Exodus. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Bo- Aliyah 12 Kairey- Bo- Mashlim |
3629 | P150 | יתרו- ראשון | Yitro Congratulates. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Yitro- Aliyah 1 Kairey- Yitro- Aliyah 2 Kairey- Yitro- Aliyah 3 |
3630 | P150 | יתרו- שני | Yitro's advice in regards to judges. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Yitro- Aliyah 4 Kairey- Yitro- Aliyah 5 Kairey- Yitro- Aliyah 6 |
3632 | P152 | יתרו- רביעי | Sinai Desert. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Yitro- Aliyah 7 |
3633 | P152 | יתרו- חמישי | Preparation to Receive the Law at Sinai/Horeb. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Yitro- Aliyah 8 Kairey- Yitro- Aliyah 9 |
3634 | P153 | יתרו- ששי | The Ten Commandments (Ethical). Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Yitro- Mashlim |
3637 | P156 | משפטים- ראשון | The Hebrew Slave. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Mishpatim- Aliyah 1 Kairey- Mishpatim- Aliyah 2 Kairey- Mishpatim- Aliyah 3 |
3638 | P156 | משפטים- שני | "Eye for an Eye." Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Mishpatim- Aliyah 4 |
3639 | P158 | משפטים- שלישי | Paybacks. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Mishpatim- Aliyah 5 |
3642 | P161 | משפטים- ששי | Protection. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Mishpatim- Aliyah 6 |
3643 | P161 | משפטים- שביעי | Receiving the Commandments at Sinai/Horeb. Blood Ritual. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Mishpatim- Aliyah 7 Kairey- Mishpatim- Aliyah 8 Kairey- Mishpatim- Aliyah 9 Kairey- Mishpatim- Aliyah 10 Kairey- Mishpatim- Mashlim |
3653 | P170 | תצוה- ראשון | Priestly Garments: The Ephod. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Tessave- Aliyah 1 Kairey- Tessave- Aliyah 2 Kairey- Tessave- Aliyah 3 |
3654 | P171 | תצוה- שני | Hoshen. |
Kairey- Tessave- Aliyah 4 |
3655 | P173 | תצוה- שלישי | Me'eel. Ketonet. |
Kairey- Tessave- Aliyah 5 |
3656 | P174 | תצוה- רביעי | Priestly Ritual. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Tessave- Aliyah 6 |
3657 | P175 | תצוה- חמישי | Sacrificial Rituals. |
Kairey- Tessave- Aliyah 7 |
3658 | P177 | תצוה- ששי | Sacrifices on the Altar. |
Kairey- Tessave- Aliyah 8 |
3659 | P177 | תצוה- שביעי | The Qetoret. |
Kairey- Tessave- Mashlim |
3661 | P178 | כי תשא- ראשון | Half Sheqel for Census. Sabbath Observance. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Ki Tisa- Aliyah 1 Kairey- Ki Tisa- Aliyah 2 Kairey- Ki Tisa- Aliyah 3 Kairey- Ki Tisa- Aliyah 4 |
3662 | P181 | כי תשא- שני | The Tablets. The Golden Calf. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Ki Tisa- Aliyah 5 |
3663 | P185 | כי תשא- שלישי | Theophany to Moses. |
Kairey- Ki Tisa- Aliyah 6 |
3664 | P185 | כי תשא- רביעי | Theophany to Moses continued. |
Kairey- Ki Tisa- Aliyah 7 Kairey- Ki Tisa- Aliyah 8 |
3665 | P186 | כי תשא- חמישי | Obtaining Commandments. Attirbutes of Mercy. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Ki Tisa- Aliyah 9 |
3666 | P186 | כי תשא- ששי | The Ten Commandments (Ritual). Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Ki Tisa- Aliyah 10 Kairey- Ki Tisa- Aliyah 11 Kairey- Ki Tisa- Aliyah 12 |
3667 | P188 | כי תשא- שביעי | The Skin of Moses' face. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Ki Tisa- Mashlim |
3669 | P189 | ויקהל- ראשון | Sabbath Observance. Donations. The Tabernacle. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vayaqhel- Aliyah 1 Kairey- Vayaqhel- Aliyah 2 Kairey- Vayaqhel- Aliyah 3 |
3670 | P190 | ויקהל- שני | Donations. |
Kairey- Vayaqhel- Aliyah 4 |
3671 | P191 | ויקהל- שלישי | Bessalel granted the wisdom to know how to build. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vayaqhel- Aliyah 5 |
3674 | P195 | ויקהל- ששי | Menorah. |
Kairey- Vayaqhel- Aliyah 6 Kairey- Vayaqhel- Aliyah 7 |
3675 | P196 | ויקהל- שביעי | Mizbeah. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vayaqhel- Aliyah 8 Kairey- Vayaqhel- Mashlim |
3677 | P198 | פקודי- ראשון | Tasks. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Pequdei- Aliyah 1 Kairey- Pequdei- Aliyah 2 Kairey- Pequdei- Aliyah 3 |
3678 | P199 | פקודי- שני | Ephod. |
Kairey- Pequdei- Aliyah 4 Kairey- Pequdei- Aliyah 5 Kairey- Pequdei- Aliyah 6 |
3679 | P200 | פקודי- שלישי | Me'eel. |
Kairey- Pequdei- Aliyah 7 Kairey- Pequdei- Aliyah 8 |
3680 | P201 | פקודי- רביעי | Bringing it to Moses. |
Kairey- Pequdei- Aliyah 9 |
3681 | P202 | פקודי- חמישי | Instruction to Complete the Tabernacle. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Pequdei- Aliyah 10 Kairey- Pequdei- Aliyah 11 |
3682 | P203 | פקודי- ששי | Dedication of the Tabernacle. |
Kairey- Pequdei- Aliyah 12 Kairey- Pequdei- Aliyah 13 Kairey- Pequdei- Aliyah 14 |
3683 | P203 | פקודי- שביעי | Completion of the Tabernacle and God's glory fills it. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Pequdei- Mashlim |
3685 | P205 | ויקרא- ראשון | Animal Offerings. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vayiqra- Aliyah 1 Kairey- Vayiqra- Aliyah 2 |
3686 | P206 | ויקרא- שני | Bird Offerings. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vayiqra- Aliyah 3 Kairey- Vayiqra- Aliyah 4 Kairey- Vayiqra- Aliyah 5 |
3688 | P207 | ויקרא- רביעי | Peace Offerings. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vayiqra- Aliyah 6 Kairey- Vayiqra- Aliyah 7 Kairey- Vayiqra- Aliyah 8 |
3689 | P208 | ויקרא- חמישי | Sin Offerings (Priest). Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vayiqra- Aliyah 9 Kairey- Vayiqra- Aliyah 10 |
3690 | P210 | ויקרא- ששי | Sin Offerings (Lay-person). Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vayiqra- Aliyah 11 Kairey- Vayiqra- Aliyah 12 Kairey- Vayiqra- Aliyah 13 |
3691 | P212 | ויקרא- שביעי | Guilt Offerings. |
Kairey- Vayiqra- Aliyah 14 Kairey- Vayiqra- Aliyah 15 Kairey- Vayiqra- Mashlim |
3693 | P214 | צו- ראשון | Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Sav- Aliyah 1 Kairey- Sav- Aliyah 2 Kairey- Sav- Aliyah 3 |
3694 | P214 | צו- שני | Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Sav- Aliyah 4 |
3695 | P216 | צו- שלישי |
Kairey- Sav- Aliyah 5 |
3696 | P218 | צו- רביעי | Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Sav- Aliyah 6 Kairey- Sav- Aliyah 7 |
3697 | P219 | צו- חמישי |
Kairey- Sav- Aliyah 8 Kairey- Sav- Aliyah 9 |
3698 | P219 | צו- ששי |
Kairey- Sav- Aliyah 10 |
3699 | P220 | צו- שביעי |
Kairey- Sav- Mashlim |
3701 | P221 | שמיני- ראשון | Dedication of the Tabernacle on Eighth Day. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Shemini- Aliyah 1 Kairey- Shemini- Aliyah 2 Kairey- Shemini- Aliyah 3 Kairey- Shemini- Aliyah 4 |
3702 | P222 | שמיני- שני | Sacrifices at Dedication. |
Kairey- Shemini- Aliyah 5 |
3704 | P224 | שמיני- רביעי |
Kairey- Shemini- Aliyah 6 |
3705 | P224 | שמיני- חמישי |
Kairey- Shemini- Aliyah 7 |
3706 | P224 | שמיני- ששי | Dietary Laws (Kashrut). Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Shemini- Aliyah 8 Kairey- Shemini- Aliyah 9 |
3707 | P226 | שמיני- שביעי | Utensils. |
Kairey- Shemini- Mashlim |
3709 | P228 | תזריע- ראשון | Purification process for women after birth. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Tazria- Aliyah 1 Kairey- Tazria- Aliyah 2 Kairey- Tazria- Aliyah 3 |
3710 | P229 | תזריע- שני | Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Tazria- Aliyah 4 Kairey- Tazria- Aliyah 5 |
3711 | P230 | תזריע- שלישי | Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Tazria- Aliyah 6 |
3712 | P230 | תזריע- רביעי | Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Tazria- Aliyah 7 |
3713 | P230 | תזריע- חמישי | Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Tazria- Aliyah 8 |
3714 | P231 | תזריע- ששי |
Kairey- Tazria- Aliyah 9 Kairey- Tazria- Mashlim |
3717 | P233 | מצורע- ראשון | Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Messora- Aliyah 1 Kairey- Messora- Aliyah 2 Kairey- Messora- Aliyah 3 |
3718 | P234 | מצורע- שני |
Kairey- Messora- Aliyah 4 Kairey- Messora- Aliyah 5 Kairey- Messora- Aliyah 6 |
3719 | P235 | מצורע- שלישי |
Kairey- Messora- Aliyah 7 |
3720 | P236 | מצורע- רביעי |
Kairey- Messora- Aliyah 8 Kairey- Messora- Aliyah 9 Kairey- Messora- Aliyah 10 Kairey- Messora- Aliyah 11 |
3721 | P237 | מצורע- חמישי | Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Messora- Aliyah 12 |
3725 | P240 | אחרי מות- ראשון | Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Ahare- Aliyah 1 Kairey- Ahare- Aliyah 2 Kairey- Ahare- Aliyah 3 Kairey- Ahare- Aliyah 4 |
3726 | P241 | אחרי מות- שני |
Kairey- Ahare- Aliyah 5 |
3727 | P242 | אחרי מות- שלישי |
Kairey- Ahare- Aliyah 6 |
3728 | P243 | אחרי מות- רביעי | Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Ahare- Aliyah 7 |
3729 | P243 | אחרי מות- חמישי |
Kairey- Ahare- Aliyah 8 |
3731 | P245 | אחרי מות- שביעי |
Kairey- Ahare- Mashlim |
3733 | P246 | קדשים- ראשון | Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Qedoshim- Aliyah 1 Kairey- Qedoshim- Aliyah 2 |
3734 | P247 | קדשים- שני |
Kairey- Qedoshim- Aliyah 3 |
3736 | P248 | קדשים- רביעי |
Kairey- Qedoshim- Aliyah 4 |
3737 | P249 | קדשים- חמישי | Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Qedoshim- Aliyah 5 |
3739 | P250 | קדשים- שביעי |
Kairey- Qedoshim- Aliyah 6 |
3741 | P251 | אמור- ראשון | Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Emor- Aliyah 1 Kairey- Emor- Aliyah 2 Kairey- Emor- Aliyah 3 |
3743 | P254 | אמור- שלישי |
Kairey- Emor- Aliyah 4 |
3744 | P255 | אמור- רביעי | Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Emor- Aliyah 5 |
3745 | P257 | אמור- חמישי |
Kairey- Emor- Aliyah 6 |
3747 | P258 | אמור- שביעי | Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Emor- Mashlim |
3749 | P260 | בהר- ראשון | Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Behar- Aliyah 1 Kairey- Behar- Aliyah 2 Kairey- Behar- Aliyah 3 Kairey- Behar- Aliyah 4 |
3750 | P261 | בהר- שני |
Kairey- Behar- Aliyah 5 |
3751 | P261 | בהר- שלישי |
Kairey- Behar- Aliyah 6 |
3753 | P262 | בהר- חמישי |
Kairey- Behar- Aliyah 7 |
3754 | P263 | בהר- ששי |
Kairey- Behar- Aliyah 8 |
3755 | P263 | בהר- שביעי |
Kairey- Behar- Mashlim |
3757 | P264 | בחוקתי- ראשון | Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Behuqotai- Aliyah 1 |
3758 | P264 | בחוקתי- שני |
Kairey- Behuqotai- Aliyah 2 |
3759 | P264 | בחוקתי- שלישי |
Kairey- Behuqotai- Aliyah 3 Kairey- Behuqotai- Aliyah 4 |
3760 | P267 | בחוקתי- רביעי | Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Behuqotai- Aliyah 5 |
3761 | P268 | בחוקתי- חמישי |
Kairey- Behuqotai- Aliyah 6 Kairey- Behuqotai- Aliyah 7 |
3763 | P269 | בחוקתי- שביעי |
Kairey- Behuqotai- Mashlim |
3765 | P271 | במדבר- ראשון | Sinai Wilderness. Tribal Leadership. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Bemidbar- Aliyah 1 Kairey- Bemidbar- Aliyah 2 Kairey- Bemidbar- Aliyah 3 Kairey- Bemidbar- Aliyah 4 |
3767 | P274 | במדבר- שלישי | Tribal Flags. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Bemidbar- Aliyah 5 |
3769 | P277 | במדבר- חמישי | The Levite Families. |
Kairey- Bemidbar- Aliyah 6 |
3771 | P280 | במדבר- שביעי | The Role of Qehat Levites. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Bemidbar- Mashlim |
3773 | P281 | נשא- ראשון | The Role of Gershon Levites. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Naso- Aliyah 1 |
3774 | P282 | נשא- שני | The Role of Merari Levites. |
Kairey- Naso- Aliyah 2 Kairey- Naso- Aliyah 3 |
3775 | P283 | נשא- שלישי | The Leper. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Naso- Aliyah 4 |
3776 | P284 | נשא- רביעי | Sotah.Nazir. The Priestly Blessing. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Naso- Aliyah 5 |
3777 | P288 | נשא- חמישי | The Dedication of the Tabernacle. Sacrifices brought from each tribal leader. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Naso- Aliyah 6 |
3778 | P291 | נשא- ששי | Sacrifices brought from each tribal leader. |
Kairey- Naso- Aliyah 7 Kairey- Naso- Mashlim |
3781 | P294 | בהעלותך- ראשון | The Menorah. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Behaalotekha- Aliyah 1 Kairey- Behaalotekha- Aliyah 2 Kairey- Behaalotekha- Aliyah 3 |
3782 | P295 | בהעלותך- שני |
Kairey- Behaalotekha- Aliyah 4 |
3783 | P296 | בהעלותך- שלישי | Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Behaalotekha- Aliyah 5 |
3784 | P297 | בהעלותך- רביעי | Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Behaalotekha- Aliyah 6 Kairey- Behaalotekha- Aliyah 7 |
3785 | P298 | בהעלותך- חמישי | Departure from Mount Sinai. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Behaalotekha- Aliyah 8 |
3786 | P300 | בהעלותך- ששי | Taberah. Food in the Wilderness. |
Kairey- Behaalotekha- Aliyah 9 |
3787 | P302 | בהעלותך- שביעי | Moses' Cushite Wife. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Behaalotekha- Mashlim |
3789 | P304 | שלח- ראשון | The names of the spies. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Shelah- Aliyah 1 Kairey- Shelah- Aliyah 2 Kairey- Shelah- Aliyah 3 Kairey- Shelah- Aliyah 4 |
3790 | P305 | שלח- שני | What the spies see in Canaan. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Shelah- Aliyah 5 |
3791 | P306 | שלח- שלישי | The diatribe of the good spies. |
Kairey- Shelah- Aliyah 6 |
3793 | P310 | שלח- חמישי | Additional sacrificial law. |
Kairey- Shelah- Aliyah 7 |
3794 | P310 | שלח- ששי | Additional sacrificial law. |
Kairey- Shelah- Aliyah 8 |
3795 | P311 | שלח- שביעי | A Sabbath violation. Fringes on garments (Seessit). |
Kairey- Shelah- Mashlim |
3797 | P312 | קורח- ראשון | Qorah's challenge to Aaron's leadership. Dathan's challenge to Moses' leadership. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Qorah- Aliyah 1 Kairey- Qorah- Aliyah 2 Kairey- Qorah- Aliyah 3 |
3798 | P313 | קורח- שני |
Kairey- Qorah- Aliyah 4 |
3799 | P314 | קורח- שלישי | Aaronids and Levites. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Qorah- Aliyah 5 |
3801 | P316 | קורח- חמישי | Aaronids and Levites. |
Kairey- Qorah- Aliyah 6 |
3802 | P317 | קורח- ששי | Aaronids and Levites. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Qorah- Aliyah 7 |
3803 | P319 | קורח- שביעי | Aaronids and Levites. |
Kairey- Qorah- Mashlim |
3805 | P320 | חוקת- ראשון | The Red Cow. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Huqat- Aliyah 1 Kairey- Huqat- Aliyah 2 Kairey- Huqat- Aliyah 3 |
3806 | P321 | חוקת- שני | Water in the Wilderness. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Huqat- Aliyah 4 |
3809 | P323 | חוקת- חמישי | The Death of Aaron. Israel and Arad. The Bronze Serpent. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Huqat- Aliyah 5 |
3810 | P325 | חוקת- ששי | Journeys. |
Kairey- Huqat- Aliyah 6 Kairey- Huqat- Mashlim |
3813 | P327 | בלק- ראשון | Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Balaq- Aliyah 1 Kairey- Balaq- Aliyah 2 Kairey- Balaq- Aliyah 3 |
3814 | P328 | בלק- שני |
Kairey- Balaq- Aliyah 4 |
3815 | P328 | בלק- שלישי |
Kairey- Balaq- Aliyah 5 |
3816 | P330 | בלק- רביעי | Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Balaq- Aliyah 6 |
3817 | P331 | בלק- חמישי |
Kairey- Balaq- Aliyah 7 |
3818 | P332 | בלק- ששי | Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Balaq- Aliyah 8 Kairey- Balaq- Aliyah 9 |
3819 | P333 | בלק- שביעי | The Heresy of Peor. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Balaq- Mashlim |
3821 | P334 | פינחס- ראשון | Reward of Pinehas. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Pinehas- Aliyah 1 Kairey- Pinehas- Aliyah 2 Kairey- Pinehas- Aliyah 3 |
3822 | P335 | פינחס- שני | Census. |
Kairey- Pinehas- Aliyah 4 |
3824 | P340 | פינחס- רביעי | The appointment of Joshua. |
Kairey- Pinehas- Aliyah 5 |
3825 | P341 | פינחס- חמישי | Additional sacrificial law. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Pinehas- Aliyah 6 |
3826 | P342 | פינחס- ששי | Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Pinehas- Aliyah 7 Kairey- Pinehas- Aliyah 8 |
3827 | P344 | פינחס- שביעי |
Kairey- Pinehas- Mashlim |
3829 | P346 | מטות- ראשון | Laws of Annulling Women's Vows. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Matot- Aliyah 1 Kairey- Matot- Aliyah 2 Kairey- Matot- Aliyah 3 Kairey- Matot- Aliyah 4 |
3831 | P348 | מטות- שלישי | The Defeat of the Midianites. |
Kairey- Matot- Aliyah 5 |
3832 | P349 | מטות- רביעי | The Defeat of the Midianites. |
Kairey- Matot- Aliyah 6 |
3834 | P351 | מטות- ששי | Regarding Tribal Portions of Reuben and Gad. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Matot- Aliyah 7 |
3835 | P352 | מטות- שביעי | Tribal Portions. |
Kairey- Matot- Mashlim |
3837 | P354 | מסעי- ראשון | Chapter 33: 1-49 is the Stations List. Should be read in one unit. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Masei- Aliyah 1 Kairey- Masei- Aliyah 2 |
3838 | P355 | מסעי- שני | Stations List. |
Kairey- Masei- Aliyah 3 Kairey- Masei- Aliyah 4 |
3839 | P356 | מסעי- שלישי | Official Borders of the Land of Israel. Tribal Portions. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Masei- Aliyah 5 |
3840 | P358 | מסעי- רביעי | Names of New Tribal Leaders. Tribal Portions. |
Kairey- Masei- Aliyah 6 |
3841 | P358 | מסעי- חמישי | Levite Cities. Tribal Portions. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Masei- Aliyah 7 |
3842 | P359 | מסעי- ששי | Establishment of Cities of Refuge. Tribal Portions. |
Kairey- Masei- Aliyah 8 |
3843 | P361 | מסעי- שביעי | Tribal Portions regarding the daughters of Selophehad. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Masei- Mashlim |
3845 | P363 | דברים- ראשון | Brief Historical Account. Moses' Introduction. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Debarim- Aliyah 1 Kairey- Debarim- Aliyah 2 Kairey- Debarim- Aliyah 3 |
3846 | P363 | דברים- שני | Judges. |
Kairey- Debarim- Aliyah 4 |
3847 | P364 | דברים- שלישי | Spies. |
Kairey- Debarim- Aliyah 5 |
3848 | P365 | דברים- רביעי | Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Debarim- Aliyah 6 |
3849 | P366 | דברים- חמישי | Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Debarim- Aliyah 7 |
3850 | P368 | דברים- ששי | Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Debarim- Aliyah 8 |
3851 | P370 | דברים- שביעי | Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Debarim- Mashlim |
3853 | P371 | ואתחנן- ראשון | Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vaethanan- Aliyah 1 Kairey- Vaethanan- Aliyah 2 |
3854 | P372 | ואתחנן- שני | Priming for Covenant Ratification. |
Kairey- Vaethanan- Aliyah 3 Kairey- Vaethanan- Aliyah 4 |
3855 | P375 | ואתחנן- שלישי | Cities of Refuge. Grand Opening of Law Code. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vaethanan- Aliyah 5 |
3856 | P376 | ואתחנן- רביעי | The Ten Commandments. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vaethanan- Aliyah 6 |
3857 | P377 | ואתחנן- חמישי |
Kairey- Vaethanan- Aliyah 7 |
3858 | P379 | ואתחנן- ששי | Shema Yisrael. Misvot. Mezuzah |
Kairey- Vaethanan- Aliyah 8 |
3859 | P380 | ואתחנן- שביעי | Misvot. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vaethanan- Mashlim |
3861 | P382 | עקב- ראשון | Misvot. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Eqeb- Aliyah 1 Kairey- Eqeb- Aliyah 2 Kairey- Eqeb- Aliyah 3 |
3862 | P384 | עקב- שני | Misvot. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Eqeb- Aliyah 4 |
3863 | P385 | עקב- שלישי | Misvot. |
Kairey- Eqeb- Aliyah 5 |
3864 | P387 | עקב- רביעי | Misvot. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Eqeb- Aliyah 6 |
3865 | P388 | עקב- חמישי | Misvot. |
Kairey- Eqeb- Aliyah 7 |
3866 | P390 | עקב- ששי | Misvot. |
Kairey- Eqeb- Aliyah 8 |
3867 | P391 | עקב- שביעי | Misvot. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Eqeb- Mashlim |
3869 | P391 | ראה- ראשון | Huqqim. Expansion of First and Second Commandments: God is One. Against Idols. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Reeh- Aliyah 1 Kairey- Reeh- Aliyah 2 Kairey- Reeh- Aliyah 3 |
3870 | P393 | ראה- שני | Huqqim. Centralized Worship. |
Kairey- Reeh- Aliyah 4 |
3871 | P395 | ראה- שלישי | Huqqim. Expansion of Third Commandment: The Name of God in Vain. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Reeh- Aliyah 5 |
3872 | P397 | ראה- רביעי | Huqqim. Dietary Laws. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Reeh- Aliyah 6 |
3873 | P398 | ראה- חמישי | Huqqim. Tithe. |
Kairey- Reeh- Aliyah 7 |
3874 | P399 | ראה- ששי | Huqqim. Expansion of the Fourth Commandment: Sabbatical Year. Loan Forgiveness. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Reeh- Aliyah 8 |
3875 | P400 | ראה- שביעי | Huqqim. Expansion of the Fourth Commandment: Holidays. |
Kairey- Reeh- Aliyah 9 Kairey- Reeh- Mashlim |
3877 | P402 | שפטים- ראשון | Expansion of the Fifth Commandment: Honoring Authority: Judges. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Shofetim- Aliyah 1 Kairey- Shofetim- Aliyah 2 |
3878 | P404 | שפטים- שני | Expansion of the Fifth Commandment: Honoring Authority: Kings. |
Kairey- Shofetim- Aliyah 3 |
3879 | P405 | שפטים- שלישי | Expansion of the Fifth Commandment: Honoring Authority: Levites Priests. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Shofetim- Aliyah 4 |
3881 | P405 | שפטים- חמישי | Expansion of the Fifth Commandment: Honoring Authority: Prophets. Expansion of Sixth Commandment: Murder. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Shofetim- Aliyah 5 |
3882 | P407 | שפטים- ששי | Expansion of the Sixth Commandment: Murder Witnesses. |
Kairey- Shofetim- Aliyah 6 |
3883 | P409 | שפטים- שביעי | Cities. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Shofetim- Mashlim |
3885 | P410 | כי תצא- ראשון | Women War Captive. Ben Sorer Umoreh. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Ki Tesse- Aliyah 1 Kairey- Ki Tesse- Aliyah 2 |
3886 | P411 | כי תצא- שני | Proper Burial for Dead Bodies. |
Kairey- Ki Tesse- Aliyah 3 |
3887 | P412 | כי תצא- שלישי | New House. Expansion of the Seventh Commandment: Building a New House. Marriage. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Ki Tesse- Aliyah 4 |
3888 | P414 | כי תצא- רביעי | Expansion of the Eighth Commandment: Monetary Interactions. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Ki Tesse- Aliyah 5 |
3889 | P415 | כי תצא- חמישי | Divorce. |
Kairey- Ki Tesse- Aliyah 6 |
3890 | P416 | כי תצא- ששי | New Marriage. |
Kairey- Ki Tesse- Aliyah 7 |
3891 | P417 | כי תצא- שביעי | Honest and Timely Wages. Expansion of Ninth Commandment: False Witnesses. Expansion of Tenth Commandment: Jealousy. Remember Amaleq. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Ki Tesse- Mashlim |
3893 | P419 | כי תבוא- ראשון | Ceremony when entering new land. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Ki Tabo- Aliyah 1 Kairey- Ki Tabo- Aliyah 2 Kairey- Ki Tabo- Aliyah 3 |
3894 | P420 | כי תבוא- שני | Tithe. |
Kairey- Ki Tabo- Aliyah 4 |
3895 | P420 | כי תבוא- שלישי |
Kairey- Ki Tabo- Aliyah 5 |
3896 | P421 | כי תבוא- רביעי | Conclusion of Law Code. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Ki Tabo- Aliyah 6 |
3898 | P423 | כי תבוא- ששי | Blessings and Curses (28). Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Ki Tabo- Aliyah 7 |
3899 | P428 | כי תבוא- שביעי | Moses' Conclusion. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Ki Tabo- Mashlim |
3901 | P429 | נצבים- ראשון | Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Nissabim- Aliyah 1 |
3902 | P429 | נצבים- שני |
Kairey- Nissabim- Aliyah 2 |
3903 | P429 | נצבים- שלישי |
Kairey- Nissabim- Aliyah 3 |
3904 | P430 | נצבים- רביעי | Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Nissabim- Aliyah 4 |
3905 | P431 | נצבים- חמישי |
Kairey- Nissabim- Aliyah 5 |
3906 | P431 | נצבים- ששי |
Kairey- Nissabim- Aliyah 6 |
3907 | P432 | נצבים- שביעי |
Kairey- Nissabim- Mashlim |
3909 | P432 | וילך- ראשון | Moses' Conclusion. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Vayelekh- Aliyah 1 |
3910 | P433 | וילך- שני | Moses' Conclusion. |
Kairey- Vayelekh- Aliyah 2 |
3911 | P433 | וילך- שלישי | Moses' Conclusion. |
Kairey- Vayelekh- Aliyah 3 |
3912 | P433 | וילך- רביעי | Hakhel Ceremony on Sukkot Festival. |
Kairey- Vayelekh- Aliyah 4 |
3913 | P434 | וילך- חמישי | The appointment of Joshua. Introduction to the Song of Moses. |
Kairey- Vayelekh- Aliyah 5 |
3914 | P434 | וילך- ששי | Introduction to the Song of Moses. The Torah. |
Kairey- Vayelekh- Aliyah 6 |
3915 | P435 | וילך- שביעי | The Torah. Introduction to the Song of Moses. |
Kairey- Vayelekh- Mashlim |
3917 | P435 | האזינו- ראשון | Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Haazinu- Aliyah 1 Kairey- Haazinu- Aliyah 2 |
3918 | P436 | האזינו- שני | Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Haazinu- Aliyah 3 |
3919 | P436 | האזינו- שלישי | Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Haazinu- Aliyah 4 |
3920 | P436 | האזינו- רביעי |
Kairey- Haazinu- Aliyah 5 |
3921 | P437 | האזינו- חמישי | Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Haazinu- Aliyah 6 |
3922 | P438 | האזינו- ששי |
Kairey- Haazinu- Aliyah 7 |
3923 | P438 | האזינו- שביעי | Moses' last words (32:45-47). Before the Death of Moses 32:48-52). Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- Haazinu- Aliyah 8 Kairey- Haazinu- Mashlim |
3925 | P439 | וזאת הברכה- ראשון | Introduction to the Blessings. Reuben. Judah (and allusion to Simeon). Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- VeZot- Aliyah 1 |
3926 | P439 | וזאת הברכה- שני | Levi. Binyamin. |
Kairey- VeZot- Aliyah 2 |
3927 | P440 | וזאת הברכה- שלישי | Joseph (Ephraim and Menasse). Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- VeZot- Aliyah 3 |
3928 | P440 | וזאת הברכה- רביעי | Zebulum. Issakhar. Gad. |
Kairey- VeZot- Aliyah 4 |
3929 | P440 | וזאת הברכה- חמישי | Dan. Naftali. Asher. Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- VeZot- Aliyah 5 |
3930 | P440 | וזאת הברכה- ששי | Hatan Me'Onah. |
Kairey- VeZot- Aliyah 6 |
3931 | P441 | וזאת הברכה- שביעי | The Death of Moses. Samaritan Pentateuch Samaritan Pentateuch |
Kairey- VeZot- Aliyah 7 |
Haftarot | 3932 | P446 | הפטרת בראשית | Isaiah 42:5–21. |
M Kairey |
בריאת העולם |
Haftarot | 3933 | P448 | הפטרת נח | Isaiah 54:1–10. |
M Kairey |
מי נח זאת לי |
Haftarot | 3934 | P449 | הפטרת לך לך | Isaiah 40:27-41:16. |
M Kairey |
זרע אברהם אהבי |
Haftarot | 3935 | P451 | הפטרת וירא | 2 Kings 4:1-23. |
M Kairey |
למועד הזה כעת חיה את חבקת בן |
Haftarot | 3936 | P455 | הפטרת חיי שרה | 1 Kings 1:1-31. |
M Kairey |
זקן בא בימים |
Haftarot | 3937 | P458 | הפטרת תולדות | Malachi 1:1–2:7. |
M Kairey |
יעקב ועשו |
Haftarot | 3938 | P461 | הפטרת ויצא | Hosea 11:7–12:12. |
M Kairey |
מרמה |
Haftarot | 3939 | P462 | הפטרת וישלח | Obadiah 1:1–21. |
M Kairey |
ספר עובדיה |
Haftarot | 3940 | P464 | הפטרת וישב | Amos 2:6–3:8. |
M Kairey |
על מכרם בכסף צדיק |
Haftarot | 3941 | P466 | הפטרת מקץ | 1 Kings 3:15–4:1. |
M Kairey |
ויקץ שלמה והנה חלום |
Haftarot | 3942 | P468 | הפטרת ויגש | Ezekiel 37:15–28. |
M Kairey |
התחברות בית יהודה ויוסף |
Haftarot | 3943 | P470 | הפטרת ויחי | 1 Kings 2:1–12. |
M Kairey |
ויקרבו ימי למות |
Haftarot | 3944 | P471 | הפטרת שמות | Jeremiah 1:1–2:3. |
M Kairey |
בטרם אצרך בבטן ידעתיך |
Haftarot | 3945 | P474 | הפטרת וארא | Ezekiel 28:25–29:21. |
M Kairey |
נבואת יחזקאל על פרעה מלך מצרים |
Haftarot | 3946 | P476 | הפטרת בא | Jeremiah 46:13–28. |
M Kairey |
נבואת ירמיה על פרעה מלך מצרים |
Haftarot | 3948 | P483 | הפטרת יתרו | Isaiah 6:1–13. |
M Kairey |
והבית ימלא עשן |
Haftarot | 3949 | P485 | הפטרת משפטים | Jeremiah 34:8–22 & 33:25–26. |
M Kairey |
שחרור עבד עברי בשנה השביעית |
Haftarot | 3951 | P489 | הפטרת תצוה | Ezekiel 43:10–27 |
M Kairey |
בית המקדש העתיד והכהנים והמזבח |
Haftarot | 3952 | P491 | הפטרת כי תשא | 1 Kings 18:20–39. |
M Kairey |
אליהו ונביאי הבעל |
Haftarot | 3953 | P494 | הפטרת ויקהל | 1 Kings 7:13–26. |
M Kairey |
חכמה לעשות מלאכת הקודש |
Haftarot | 3955 | P498 | הפטרת ויקרא | Isaiah 43:21–44:23. |
M Kairey |
לא הביאת לי שה עלתיך |
Haftarot | 3956 | P501 | הפטרת צו | Jeremiah 7:21–8:3; 9:22–23. |
M Kairey |
עולות וזבחים |
Haftarot | 3957 | P502 | הפטרת שמיני | 2 Samuel 6:1-19. |
M Kairey |
מות עזא אצל הארון |
Haftarot | 3958 | P504 | הפטרת תזריע | 2 Kings 4:42–5:19. |
M Kairey |
צרעת נעמן |
Haftarot | 3959 | P506 | הפטרת מצורע | 2 Kings 7:3–20. |
M Kairey |
המצורעים בשער שמרון |
Haftarot | 3960 | P509 | הפטרת אחרי מות | Ezekiel 22:1–16. |
M Kairey |
Haftarot | 3962 | P512 | הפטרת אמור | Ezekiel 44:15–31. |
M Kairey |
קדושת הכהנים בני צדוק |
Haftarot | 3963 | P514 | הפטרת בהר | Jeremiah 32:6–22. |
M Kairey |
משפט הירושה- עוד יקנו בתים בארץ הזאת |
Haftarot | 3964 | P516 | הפטרת בחוקתי | Jeremiah 16:19–17:14. Aleppo Codex- Jeremiah 16 |
M Kairey- Haftarah Behuqotai M Kairey |
ברוך הגבר אשר יבטח |
Haftarot | 3965 | P518 | הפטרת במדבר | Hosea 2:1–22. |
M Kairey |
וארשתיך לי לעולם |
Haftarot | 3966 | P520 | הפטרת נשא | Judges 13:2–25. |
M Kairey |
לידת שמשון |
Haftarot | 3967 | P523 | הפטרת בהעלותך | Zechariah 2:14–4:7. |
M Kairey |
המנורה- לא בחיל ולא בכח כי אם ברוחי |
Haftarot | 3968 | P525 | הפטרת שלח | Joshua 2:1–24. |
M Kairey |
מרגלים ביריחו |
Haftarot | 3969 | P528 | הפטרת קורח | 1 Samuel 11:14–12:22. |
M Kairey |
Haftarot | 3970 | P531 | הפטרת חוקת | Judges 11:1–33. |
M Kairey |
יפתח הגלעדי |
Haftarot | 3971 | P535 | הפטרת בלק | Micah 5:6–6:8. |
M Kairey |
על בלק ובלעם |
Haftarot | 3972 | P537 | הפטרת פינחס | 1 Kings 18:46-19:21. |
M Kairey |
בקנאו את קנאתי |
Haftarot | 3973 | P540 | הפטרת מטות | Jeremiah 1:1-2:3. |
M Kairey |
דברי ירמיהו |
Haftarot | 3974 | P542 | הפטרת מסעי | Jeremiah 2:4-28 & 4:1-2. |
M Kairey |
שבת שמעו |
Haftarot | 3975 | P545 | הפטרת דברים | Isaiah 1:1–27. |
M Kairey |
שבת חזון |
Haftarot | 3976 | P547 | הפטרת ואתחנן | Isaiah 40:1–26. Week 1 of Consolation. |
M Kairey |
שבת נחמו |
Haftarot | 3977 | P549 | הפטרת עקב | Isaiah 49:14–51:3. Week 2 of Consolation. |
M Kairey |
ותאמר ציון |
Haftarot | 3978 | P552 | הפטרת ראה | Isaiah 54:11–55:5. Week 3 of Consolation. |
M Kairey |
עניה סערה לא נחמה |
Haftarot | 3979 | P553 | הפטרת שפטים | Isaiah 51:12–52:12. Week 4 of Consolation. |
M Kairey |
אנכי אנכי הוא מנחמכם |
Haftarot | 3980 | P557 | הפטרת כי תצא | Isaiah 54:1-10. Week 5 of Consolation. |
M Kairey |
רני עקרה לא ילדה |
Haftarot | 3981 | P558 | הפטרת כי תבוא | Isaiah 60:1-22. Week 6 of Consolation. |
M Kairey |
קומי אורי |
Haftarot | 3982 | P560 | הפטרת נצבים | Isaiah 61:10-63:9. Week 7 of Consolation. |
M Kairey |
שוש אשיש |
Haftarot | 3983 | P564 | הפטרת וילך | Hosea 14:2-10 & Micah 7:18-20. Shabbat Shubah. |
M Kairey |
שבת שובה |
Haftarot | 3984 | P565 | הפטרת האזינו | 2 Samuel 22:1-51. Shabbat between Yom Kippur and Sukkot. |
M Kairey |
שירת דוד |
Haftarot | 3997 | P599 | הפטרת ב חנוכה | 1 Kings 7:40-50. |
M Kairey |
Pentateuch | 4081 | P442 | סדר שמות הטעמים | Names of the Ta'amim. |
M Kairey |
4083.1 | ברכות השחר |
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4084.3 | אשרי יושבי ביתך | Psalm 145. |
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4085 | N3 | הללויה הללו אל בקדשו | Psalm 150. |
M Kairey- Ajam |
4085.1 | ויברך דויד | 1 Chronicles 29; Nehemia 9. |
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4085.2 | ויושע ה' ביום ההוא | Exodus 14, 15. |
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4086 | N3 | כי לה' המלוכה |
M Kairey- Sigah Shabbat |