February 23, 2025 ~ Sh TERUMA. HOSENI / SABA

  Digital Music Archive of the Sephardic community of Aleppo

طقوسي التقاليد والتسجيلات الموسيقية في المجتمع اليهودي السفارديم حلب السورية

כֶּמִנְהַג אָרַם צוֹבָא - ק"ק חַלַף

David Matouk Betesh DMD dedicates this project in memory of his Great Grandfather, Hazzan Gabriel A Shrem, and in honor of his dear teacher, Hazzan Isaac J Cabasso.

לזָכּוֹת בּוֹ הַרָבִּים

שְנַת חַמֶשֵת אַלָפִים שְבַע מְאוֹת שִשִים וּשְתַיִם לְיֶצִירָה

MAQAM OF THE WEEK: BAYAT-HOSENI                  תרומה

For Shabbat Teruma (Exodus 25:1- 27:19), prayers are conducted in Maqam BAYAT-HOSENI according to at least 12 sources, because we are introduced to the mishkan (tabernacle) and the miqdash (sanctuary). The centerpiece of the tabernacle is the Ark of the Covenant (aron) where the Torah (edut) is placed. Since the mishkan, and specifically, the Torah, is of great beauty, Maqam HOSENI, the Arabic word for 'beauty', is applied. The melody of HOSENI can be described as "a high Bayat." Despite the above, there are at least 15 sources, mostly the older Aleppo sources, that cite Maqam SABA for this Shabbat.

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Pizmonim Preservation Checklist - רשימת פזמונים החסרים

Pages 109**, 112*, 112**, 132*, 132**, 134, (145*), 155*, 160, 163**, 170**, 170***,  174**, 175*, 177*, 177**, 178**, 188*, 188**, 196, 208*, 208**, 209**, 219*, 226**, (229,) 230, 245**, 247**, 248*, 252**, 259, 266**, 270**, 287, 294, 304, 321*, 340**, 351, 367**, 378, 391**, 396, 398*, 414*, 414**, 424a, 430*, 448*, 449*, 453, 457*, 467**, 468*, (474), 476*, 479**, 503**, 504

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