February 7, 2025 ~ Sh BESHALAH. Maqam AJAM.

Mehayar - بيات محير


Maqam Mehayar Bayat - or Mohayar- מוחייאר - is on the scale of Hoseni (lower jins on Bayat on D-duqah, upper jins Bayat on A-Hoseni). Sayir: Upper jins Bayat are developed before descending to Bayat on D-duqah. This maqam is its own section in the Red Book and most other pizmonim manuscripts.

For "Maqam of the Week" it can be applied (according to at least one of the maqam source lists) for Shabbat: Terumah, Kallah, Shim'ou, Shubah, and the eighth day of a holiday.

 This maqam is related to Maqam Saba according to the Turkish, but related to Bayat and Hoseni according to others.

Index of Pizmonim

Section Pizmon Page Song CommentaryRecordings Application
Baqashot 14 22 יסד בסודו יוסף בן הרב Acrostics: "Yosef ben Harav." The composer was related to the Maran, Rav Yosef Cairo. The original way to sing this entire song is with the same tune as the first and second verses, however, the Israeli community added different tunes for the middle stanzas in order to enhance the pizmon. It is an Aleppo tradition to sing this song at funeral in the process of following the coffin. Mehayar-Bayat. "Barukh Sheamar" refers to the daily prayer that starts the Zemirot blessing. A Z Idelsohn notes, 1923 Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
R Barzani- Semehim
Baqashot 16 25 'ישראל נושע בה Yaakob Abadi Mehayar. Written by H Yaaqob Abadi (?-1876). Mehayar-Bayat. Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
Ohabe Zion 1960
Baqashot 21 29 יום זה שירו Mordechai Abadi This song (MEHAYAR / RAHAW, page 29), considered the most popular of the Baqashot collection, is composed by the great rabbi H Mordekhai Abadi (1826-1884) of Aleppo, Syria. Other compositions by H Abadi can be found in "Dibre Mordekhai" (Aleppo, 1873). Although the acrostic is “Yosef Binyamin Hazaq," H Abadi's name is hinted to in the song. The theme of the song is to encourage the people to enjoy the Shabbat by singing to God. According to the chorus, the Sabbath is special because it is a time of rest from work, and it is our inheritance to be happy on this very blessed day. Throughout the 5 stanzas, there are many allusions to verses from the Tanakh. The final verse is a charge to strengthen those in the community who wake up pre-dawn to sing the Baqashot; reminding them “these are your lives to reach strengths and to dwell in the courtyards in the House of God." Besides for singing this during the Baqashot, this song is also customarily heard on the table during the Shabbat meal. A Z Idelsohn notes, 1923 Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 E. Menaged
Moshe Dwek
Baqashot 25 33 שיר חדש זמרו Shemuel Moursiye This pizmon (BAQASHOT, page 33), whose title translates as "Sing A New Song," is composed by H Shemuel Moursiye (acrostic: Shemuel Hazaq) of Aleppo. There are six stanzas in this song, and each stanza ends with a Biblical reference to a verse with God's name. This song recalls a historic event of what was perceived as a miracle for Aleppo's Jewish community. In Aleppo, in the year 1850 (Hebrew year 5611 = as seen by numeric value of the word 'קשורה' in the fifth stanza), on the 11th day in the month of Heshvan, there was a Muslim attack against the Christians. The Muslims took their possessions, killed many, and burnt churches. Apparently, just when the Christians thought that they were safe, on the second day of Kislev (the following month), a new leader of Aleppo arose, further attacked the Christians, and most of their community was pillaged. In all this chaos, the assets of the Jewish community were spared and undamaged. The author attributes the safeguard of the Jewish community to the Jewish community’s robust safeguarding of the Sabbath and the holidays. This piece was written in appreciation to God for saving the community and as a prayer for redemption against all future attacks. The melody of this is classified as Maqam Mehayar-Bayat, and it can be applied to Shav'at Aniyim. Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
שועת עניים
Baqashot 28 35 יום זה לישראל Isaac Luria Mehayar-Bayat. Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
E. Menaged
Ohabe Zion 1960
Baqashot 30 37 יה מסי כבין רחמנא אסי כביהון לעם דנא David Yaaqob Pardo Aramaic. Mehayar-Bayat. Nawah. Mosseri-Kozli Manuscript Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
E. Menaged
בפי ישרים
Baqashot 50 58 אנכי אשאל Written by H Ezra Swed (?-1884). Mehayar-Bayat. Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 Archives
Baqashot 58 67 'דרשתי את שם ה David Sitehon Mehayar-Bayat. Archives
E. Sayegh
Ohabe Zion 1960
105.33 בן בשר ודם מה כוחו להלל בן משה Petiha
Mehayar-Bayat 392 319 מגן ועזרה Moses Ashear Shames wedding. Alludes to the Ten Sefirot. I. Cabasso
E. Menaged
Mehayar-Bayat 393 320 עירי בנה Moses Ashear E. Menaged
E. Menaged 2
Mehayar-Bayat 394 321 מרום ראשון ואחרון Moses Ashear J Gindi.
Mehayar-Bayat 395 321 אשיר אני בבית נאוה Moses Ashear J Gindi. M Tawil
I. Cabasso
Y. Bozo
I Cabasso 2
Shlomo Antebi- Qaddish
Mehayar-Bayat 396 322 מזיוך תנהיר עלי Moses Ashear Bar Misvah of Sion Nasar, son of Shemuel and Sanyar Nasar. Allusions to these names are in text. "San Yar", the mother's name, is divided into two words. Ashear Manuscript Recording
Y Hamaoui- Pizmon
Mehayar-Bayat 397 323 יה מתנשא Moses Ashear Meyer Salem wedding. Ashear Manuscript G. Shrem
Isaac Cabasso- Rau Banim
Moshe Dwek
Mehayar-Bayat 398 324 מלכי יוצרי Moses Ashear Composed by H Moshe Ashear in honor of the wedding of Ezra Moshe and Nahmo Azar Cohen, on February 25, 1925. Photographs courtesy of descendents Jack and Ezra Azar. Ashear Manuscript Wedding of Ezra and Nahmo Azar 2-25-1925 Photograph of Ezra Moshe and Nahmo Azar E. Menaged
G. Shrem
I Cabasso
Moshe Dwek
שועת עניים
Mehayar-Bayat 399 325 מראשית כל Moses Ashear Harari wedding. Ashear Manuscript M. Nadaf
I Cabasso
Mehayar-Bayat 400 326 ממלכות הארץ Moses Ashear Abadi wedding. Ashear Manuscript G. Shrem
G. Shrem
Mehayar-Bayat 401 327 יה החישה ותנה לי Moses Ashear Kassin wedding. Ashear Manuscript G. Shrem
Mehayar-Bayat 402 328 ידידי יה נפשי טהר Arabic is "Gadedi Ya Nafsi," sung by Saleh Abd El Hai. Maqam Hoseni. Ashear Manuscript E. Menaged
E. Menaged 2
Arabic: Gadedi Ya Nafsi
Maury Blanco and the Aram Soba Orchestra
Mehayar-Bayat 403 328 מדבש ונפת צוף Moses Ashear Written pre 1928 in honor of Ma'oz Laebyon. Ashear Manuscript G. Shrem
Moshe Dwek
Mehayar-Bayat 404 329 מנת חבלי Moses Ashear Franco. E. Menaged
E. Menaged 2
Mehayar-Bayat 405 330 אשא דעי Moses Ashear R. Jacob Kassin's song. Photograph of H Jacob Kassin and Family J. Mosseri
F Samra
Mehayar-Bayat 406 331 מלך הדור Moses Ashear Wedding of Isaac Haim Massri; March 20, 1934. Leaflet I. Cabasso
Fule Yanani
E Menaged- Shavat
Moshe Dwek - Qaddish
Moshe Dwek - Qaddish
406.1 332e אלי מלכי בית נאוה NLevy Y. Bozo
716 332f יה עז לי תן יומם וליל Haim S Aboud Recording
855 332b אל חובי סלח NLevy Recording
859 332d עד מתי אבי YMizrahi Recording
861 332f יה אל עדתי רפא לה Asher Mizrahi Recording
862 332h נס אבי עשה עמדי YMizrahi Recording
863 332h בא עם בחיר יה Asher Mizrahi Recording
864 332i קראתיך בכל לב Recording
865 332j בישועתך אבטח אבי Recording
1139 אני ישנה שוכבת על ערשי אברהם
1140 מלכי דר על מרומי משה אל ההודאות
1141 אלי בים קנה נעץ אבטליון קדיש
1142 עוזי ומעוזי יה אלי נאמן עזרא חזק Yabess Manuscript
1143 יעלת חן איילת שחר ידידיה
1144 אגורת כסף תכסוף נפשי אברהם
1145 דומה לך דודי לצבי דוד חזק
1146 יראת האל היא אוצרו ישעיה Shire Zimrah, Algiers, 1889 נשמת
1147 מי העיר אור ממזרח משה חזק
1148 יתציני סביב נדוד דודי
1149 אל שלח את תשבי אבטליון
1150 אל הגיגי בינה אברהם
1151 אסתופף בבית גינת ביתן אברהם חזק
1152 יום אשיר שירה ותהילה יצחק חזק נקדישך
1153 מלך ביופיו אחזה מרדכי חזק נקדישך
1155 ידר שינת עיני ישראל שועת עניים
1156 יהודה ישראל רבים ישראל Yabess Manuscript שועת עניים
1157 שוכן רום דר רחם על דל שלמה
1158 אברת אל תסוככיני אברהם
1159 דיבר צורי אל לעם קדוש אל דוד חזק
1160 יה מושיב ביתה יחידים ידידיה חזק
1161 שמך אהלל בעודי שלמה Mehayar Bayat and Iraq.
1162 יונתי ממיך כל חדק קדיש
2273 עינים מאירת ברה עזרא
2274 עיניך יונים יעלה עזרא
4369 אל צור מושיעי
4370 שרים רדפוני וישטמוני
4371 אני ישנה שוכבת
4372 נא השב מקדש
4373 אזמר אל גוחי
4374 ממי אירא כי אתה עמדי
4375 ימינך הרם אלי
4376 יה אל אחד
4377 יקשיב ה׳ לתפלתי
4378 רחום עד מתי תשכח
4379 יה רחום מחטא נקני
4380 עמי בואו מיודעים
4381 יושב שמי שחק בני חצרותי
4382 אכפרה שמך ועזוז נוראותך
4383 ערב וכל בקר
4384 אלהי קצות הארץ
4385 ימס לבי ימש
5752 דודי אדון על כל הארץ ומלואה Daniel Binker-Duek לחן- סמאעי ג'מיל בך. סימן - דניאל
5784 ארנן לאל רם Daniel Binker-Duek לחן - בחבך יא לבנאן . לבר מצוה.
5785 בפי אערך Daniel Binker-Duek לחן - כפיף אל רוח.