Section | Pizmon |
Page |
Song |
Commentary | Recordings | Application |
Qiddush |
0.15 |
7 |
קדוש ליום שבת |
Qidusha Rabbah for Saturday Morning. |
M Habusha
Baqashot |
62 |
70 |
אגדלך אלהי |
Abraham Ibn Ezra Discussing the relationship between man and the Creator. There are many emotions here including the mortality of man. There is more than one melody to this song; According to H. Kaire, it could be in Sigah (melody: Adon Yahid Yasad), Nahwand (Atah El Kabir), other popular Nahwand tune, or Mehayar Bayat (Mamlekhot Ha'ares). Attiah Manuscript Yabess Manuscript Aharon Rahamim Hares Baqashot Manuscript, 1917 |
M Habusha
קדיש |
Mossaei Shabbat |
72 |
81 |
אל אליהו |
Abraham Ibn Ezra There are many different melodies to this song. Eliyahu, who will be the announcer of the redemption will hopefully come on a Saturday night right after Shabbat and in zechut (merit) that we have observed the Shabbat. The pizmon ends in prayer. |
M Habusha
Rast |
110 |
110 |
ידך עשת |
 Raphael Tabbush Hamaoui Manuscript Tabbush Manuscript |
M Habusha
Rast |
126 |
117 |
רחום בך יגל לבבי |
Raphael Tabbush Shabbat Va'era. Hamaoui Manuscript Tabbush Manuscript |
M Habusha
Rast |
131 |
119 |
יה תאיר לאורי |
 Raphael Tabbush Dor: yah talah il sa'adi. |
M Habusha
Rast |
155.04 |
132b |
חי אל נאדר |
Haim S Aboud |
Moshe Habusha
Mahour |
182 |
151 |
שבתי שבתי |
Raphael Tabbush This pizmon (MAHOUR, page 151), whose opening words are translated as “I Have Returned,” is a song for the Aseret Yeme Teshuba, or the ten days of repentance, and more specifically, for the Pizmon Sefer Torah on Shabbat Shuba. This melody, which can fit into the prayer piece of Mimisrayim, is said to have originated from Turkey, but no exact source of this melody can be identified. It is composed by the great Jewish poet H Raphael Antebi Tabbush (d. 1918) from Aleppo, Syria, and it is about the author’s personal journey to repentance. In this piece, the author starts by stating that he has returned to God by his refraining from the three categories of sins: Het (חטא), Avon (עון), and Pesha (פשע). In addition, he is offering God his constant praises and his heartfelt prayers. The prayers that he is asking for, mentioned in the second stanza, is for the general blessings of God’s kindness and a forgiveness for his transgressions. He then asks God for his own personal redemption and gathering of his community towards their redemption. The second stanza with the open question: Why do I continue to sit in this exile for such a long time? The song concludes with a prayer to God to strengthen the Jewish nation, send “their messenger” (צירם) and to reveal the end of days. He considers the hidden nature of God to be a sign of the nation's unworthiness and is trying to convince God that the nation is worthy of having God act in a more revealed way so that the nation can have God reign over them as their king forever. |
M Habusha- Mimisrayim
שמחים |
Ajam |
201 |
165 |
ישא ברכה |
Raphael Tabbush This pizmon (AJAM, page 165) is composed by H Raphael Antebi Tabbush in honor of the installation of Rabbi Yaaqob Shaul Elyashar (Safed, 1817- Jerusalem, 1906) as the new Rishon LeSion (Sephardic Chief Rabbi) in 1893. The debut of this special song took place at the Rabbi Yohanan Ben Zakai synagogue in the Old City of Jerusalem by two choirs of boys (one from the Talmud Torah Doresh Zion and the other from the yeshiva Tiferet Yerushalayim) under the direction of H Raphael Tabbush. At the end of the performance, the Chief Rabbi thanked H Tabbush greatly and as a token of his gratitude, gave him 3 napoleon gold coins; hence the song became referred to as the "Golden Song". The title of this song "Yisa Berakha" refers to the abbreviation of Rabbi Elyashar's name (יש״א), and the acrostic of the four stanzas of this song is Yaaqob (יעקב); a reference to his first name. The melody of this song can be applied to Nishmat on weeks of Maqam AJAM, and is specifically associated with Shabbat Shofetim due to the Deuteronomy 17:20 reference of "Ya'arikh Yamim Al Mamlakhto" (translated as "long days for his reign") in the second stanza of the song. Tabbush Manuscript |
Moshe Habusha
נשמת |
Ajam |
205 |
168 |
מלך רחמן |
 Raphael Tabbush Melekh Rahman (AJAM, page 168), or "Merciful King," is considered the ultimate wedding song. It was composed in Aleppo, circa 1897, by H Raphael Tabbush (d. 1918), for his close student, H Moshe Ashear (d. 1940), in honor of his wedding to Salha, the daughter of Mr Yaaqob Shamah. The acrostic is "Moshe" and names of family members (Moshe, Yaaqob, Shaol, Simha, Shelomo) are alluded to. The melody is from the Arabic song "Doom Ya Zaman." There are three stanzas in this song. The first two stanzas are from the point of view of the community; asking God to save the nation, and also to join in the happiness of the Hatan and Kallah on their wedding day. The third stanza, however, is from the view of the Hatan; asking to be blessed with the Blessing of Abraham. For Shabbat Vayesse, this melody can be applied in the prayers for Nishmat. The pizmon can be associated with this perasha, because we read about Jacob's wedding. Moshe Ashear and Family Manuscript |
Moshe Habusha
נשמת |
Nahwand |
266 |
210 |
לעיר חנה דורשה דודי |
Raphael Tabbush |
M Habusha
נשמת |
Nahwand |
277 |
216 |
יבנה ביתו |
Raphael Tabbush |
Moshe Habusha
שועת עניים |
Nahwand |
299.1 |
237j |
אל על שיר גיל נרון |
Raphael Yair Elnadav Bar Misvah of Saul Ezra Ashkenazi. Composed by R Elnadav. 1984. |
M Habusha
קדיש |
299.101 |
באר ציון |
Raphael Yair Elnadav Maqam Nahwand |
M Habusha
Nahwand |
299.102 |
237t |
על הרי על הרי |
Raphael Yair Elnadav Bar Misvah of Harry E Tawil. 1996. Composed by R Elnadav. Maqam Nahwand-Kurd |
M Habusha
קדיש |
Bayat |
307 |
241 |
עז ומחית |
Hamaoui Manuscript Tabbush Manuscript |
M Habusha
קדיש |
Bayat |
308 |
242 |
יה אלי מהר |
Raphael Tabbush Title in Red Book of "Abd Al Ekhoua" is incorrect. The actual title is “min abli mah ahwah algamal.” |
M Habusha
נשמת |
Bayat |
313 |
243 |
אבוא אל ציון |
Moshe Habusha
נשמת |
Bayat |
391.06 |
318d |
יקרך ישירו |
M. Habusha
Hoseni |
409 |
334 |
דעת ומזמה |
דוד חזק This pizmon, entitled “Knowledge and Discretion” (HOSENI, page 334), is a very sacred song in Aleppo tradition reserved for Matan Torah, the giving of the Ten Commandments. This song pre-dates most other pizmonim in our tradition; being older than 1850. The opening verse says “Knowledge, discretion, and words of wisdom; more than them, on the day Moses spoke; her (Wisdom’s) profit is greater than fine gold; this is the Law that Moses place.” There are a total of eight stanza’s in the original manuscripts; all ending with the word “Moshe,” and each phrase, containing rich biblical allusions, rhyme with one another. The acrostic of this pizmon, “David Hazaq,” indicates that the first name of the author is David, but his specific identity is unknownto us. The melody of the pizmon is from the Arabic song “Tazri Bel Ajafen,” and is only applied for Naqdishakh three times a year: Shabbat Yitro, Shabbat Kallah (the Shabbat prior to the Shabuot festival), and Shabbat Vaethanan. Attiah Manuscript Yabess Manuscript Abraham Sitehon Manuscript Mosseri-Kozli Manuscript Commentary on Pizmon British Library Or. 10375 |
M Habusha
נקדישך |
Hoseni |
415 |
338 |
זלף כמטר זלף |
M Habusha
Hoseni |
416 |
339 |
יה חסדך גלי |
Raphael Tabbush Aseret Yeme Teshuba. |
M Habusha
שועת עניים |
Hoseni |
426 |
349 |
האל העירה וראה |
Hamaoui Manuscript Attiah Manuscript Abraham Sitehon Manuscript Mosseri-Kozli Manuscript |
M Habusha- different version
M Habusha
פזמון |
Rahawi Nawah |
436 |
359 |
אמונים ערכו שבח |
אהרן כהן Emunim (RAHAW, page 359), or "The Faithful," is an important Sephardic hymn for Pesah; specifically for the Leil HaSeder. It can be found in Mahzor Aram Soba (1527), making it one of our oldest pizmonim still in active transmission. It has the acrostic of "Aharon Kohen." Each of the 7 stanzas end with the words "Va'amartem Zebah Pesah..." (ואמרתם זבח פסח); referring to the commandment mentioned in Exodus 12:27 to offer the Qorban Pesah to God. Other Missvot relating to Pesah are also referred to, such as, eating Massa and Maror, drinking the four cups of wine, and retelling of the story of the exodus from Egypt (ending with receiving the Torah). The last verse ends "Your doings are wondrous; Your miracles are powerful; all those who seek refuge in You will say 'It is good to take refuge in the Lord' (Psalm 118:8)." The hymn is traditionally sung at the Seder in the Magid portion, and the melody of this hymn is applied to the prayers for Semehim of Shabbat Hagadol, and Naqdishakh of Ereb Pesah. Mahzor Aram Soba 1527 Abraham Sitehon Manuscript Yabess Manuscript A Z Idelsohn notes, 1923 |
M Habusha
שמחים |
451.2 |
במה מדליקין |
Maqam Rahawi Nawah |
M Habusha
דוגמא |
Sigah |
521 |
437 |
יונה יקושה |
יום טוב Attiah Manuscript Yabess Manuscript Abraham Sitehon Manuscript Mosseri-Kozli Manuscript |
M Habusha
Sigah |
559 |
466 |
קום ידידי הבה |
קציר חזק Maqam Awj-Oj Pizmon talks about Seudat Purim and the mitzvot of Purim. Talks about drinking on Purim and how you should drink until you don't know the difference between "Cursed be Haman and Blessed be Mordechai". The end of the pizmon talks about R' Zeirah who got too drunk and the trouble he put himself into as a result. Attiah Manuscript Yabess Manuscript Abraham Sitehon Manuscript |
M. Habusha
559.01 |
466a |
שימני ראש |
Purim. |
M Habusha
559.02 |
466a |
עזר מצרי היית |
Purim. |
M Habusha
559.03 |
466b |
פורים פורים פורים לנו |
Purim. |
M Habusha
559.04 |
466c |
המשחק בקוביא |
Purim. |
M Habusha
565.3 |
מי כמוך ואין כמוך |
Maqam Sigah Mi Khamocha for Shabbat Zachor |
M Habusha
640 |
142s |
נכבש הרי |
Maqam Rast |
M Habusha- Qaddish
650 |
162c |
חי רם גלה |
NLevy Maqam Mahour |
M Habusha
658 |
509e |
יה לחתן הדור |
Maqam Hijaz |
M Habusha
1106 |
כל עלמות אהבוך |
ישראל Maqam Girkah Attiah Manuscript |
M Habusha
שועת עניים |
Sigah |
1391 |
472s |
יביעון שפתי שירה |
יוסף יונה חזק Maqam Awj-Oj Hanukkah. Menorah. Attiah Manuscript Abraham Sitehon Manuscript |
M Habusha
נשמת |
Selihot |
2201 |
S7 |
אל מלך היושב |
M Habusha
Minha-Arbit |
2382 |
583 |
פתיחת אליהו ז''ל |
M Habusha
Sigah |
2684 |
אדון עולם ישועתי |
אליעזר Melody of this song traditionally associated with Purim, although nothing in the song's text refers to holiday. Yabess Manuscript Shire Zimrah, Algiers, 1889 |
M Habusha- Qaddish
Esther |
3021 |
E1 |
אסתר פרק א |
Tiqun Esther Chapter 1 |
Habusha- Ch1
4099 |
N20 |
נקדישך |
Pillar #3 of Shaharit. Heavy musical style. |
Habusha - Abdei HaEl - Mahour
5735 |
דרך עיר מושב |
Daniel Binker-Duek Maqam Rahawi Nawah |
Moshe Habusha