Section | Pizmon |
Page |
Song |
Commentary | Recordings | Application |
Rast |
155.04 |
132b |
חי אל נאדר |
Haim S Aboud |
Shlomo Antebi- Qaddish
Mahour |
171 |
146 |
רצה נא |
Raphael Tabbush Salah Abd ElHai singing the Arabic "'Ishna WeShofna". This includes a Sama'i and Mawal. In 1939, Ashear used the pizmon Resseh Na on page 146 for Qaddish. |
S Antebi- Qaddish
קדיש |
Nahwand |
266 |
210 |
לעיר חנה דורשה דודי |
Raphael Tabbush |
Shlomo Antebi- Qaddish
נשמת |
Mehayar-Bayat |
395 |
321 |
אשיר אני בבית נאוה |
Moses Ashear J Gindi. |
Shlomo Antebi- Qaddish
קדיש |
Hoseni |
413 |
337 |
אשרי האיש יודע שמי |
Classified also as Maqam NAWAH. Tabbush Manuscript |
S Antebi- Qaddish
נשמת |
Hoseni |
420.02 |
342a |
אנא קוית בכל עת לישועה |
Sion Laniado |
Shelomo Antebi- Qaddish
קדיש |
Saba |
458 |
380 |
יחיש מבשר |
This pizmon (SABA, page 380), which translates as "Our Father Will Hasten the Messenger," is an important song about praying for the redemption. This song is composed by H Raphael Tabbush (d. 1918) to the Arabic melody of "Ya'ish WeYe'Shaq Qalbi". In this song, the author asks God to answer our prayers, to forgive our transgressions, to save us from our enemies who are planning acts of violence on us, and to hasten the arrival of Eliahou the Prophet who will announce the redemption of the Jewish people. Traditionally, this song is associated with the last day of a Shalosh Regalim festival (Pesah, Shabuot, Sukkot); the time when we most yearn for the redemption and the rebuilding of the Bet HaMiqdash. H Moshe Ashear applied this melody for the Qaddish of Shabbat Naso in 1937 and 1938 (the Shabbat after the Shabuot festival). In addition, Cantor Isaac J Cabasso applies this melody to Nishmat on the last day of Pesah and Shemini Asseret. |
Shlomo Antebi - Qaddish
נשמת |
Saba |
459 |
381 |
נורא תתן כח לי |
Tabbush Manuscript |
Shlomo Antebi- Qaddish
קדיש |
Saba |
504 |
418 |
איש אלהים קדוש הוא |
Ben Ish Hai Lag LaOmer. For R' Shimon Bar Yochai. Written by the "Ben Ish Hai" of Babel in the 19th century. Song is an acrostic (Aleph Bet) and has many allusions to the life of R' Shimon. Abraham Sitehon Manuscript |
S Antebi- Pizmon
כתר |
Hijaz |
584 |
484 |
אתוהי כמה רברבין |
 Raphael Tabbush This pizmon (HIJAZ, page 484), whose title translates as "How Great Are His Signs," is written by H Raphael Tabbush. This song is unique in that it is one of our shortest pizmonim (only 20 words; 10 words in each of the two stanzas), and it is one of the only ones to be written in Aramaic. The melody is from the Arabic song "Ahwa Al-Ghazal Al Rabrabi," and can be transcribed into Nishmat or Naqdishakh. The opening words of this song are based on Daniel 3:33. After seeing how God saves Hanania, Mishael, and Azaria from the burning furnace, Nebuchadnessar praises God, 'How great are His signs! How mighty are His wonders! His kingdom is everlasting, and His dominion is over every generation!' The first stanza describes how God's glory is displayed through His miraculous signs. Although both Israel and the angels sing praises to God, it is Israel that God favors, because according to the Talmud (TB Hullin 91b), the angels only start praising God in the Heavens once Israel initiates the praises down on Earth. |
S Antebi- Shav'at
נשמת |
Hijaz |
610 |
506 |
נדה אני |
Moses Ashear Bar Misvah of Shaul Abraham Houssni. January 1938. Leaflet |
S Antebi
קדיש |
2102 |
514j |
אחות קטנה |
Abraham Hazan Maqam Rahawi Nawah "Ahot Qetana," or "Young Sister," is a poem by the 13th century rabbi H Abraham Hazan of Girona, in eastern Spain (acrostic: “Abraham Hazan Hazaq”). This piyut is sung on the eve of Rosh Hashana; at the closing of the old year. According to Gabriel A Shrem, its melody, which is in Maqam NAWAH, is also applied for Semehim on the Shabbat prior to Rosh Hashana. What relates this poem to Rosh Hashana are the words at the end of each of the first eight verses "Tikhle Shana Veqileloteha" (end the year and all its curses). The poem compares the Jewish people to a young sister; one who relies on her brothers to survive. This young sister is suffering from all types of problems. She is constantly under attack from enemies. Her possessions are looted and vandalized by foreigners. She is left with nothing; humiliated and alone. In essence, this poem is a protest to God on how He can allow such bad things to happen to the suffering Jewish nation. In the last verse, however, God responds: "Strengthen and Rejoice, for your exile is over." Echoing the words of Isaiah, there is a call for all the people to get on the paths to Zion and return from the exile. On that note, the poem concludes with the words: "Tahel Shana Ubirkhoteha" (begin the year with all it's blessings). |
S Antebi
ה' מלך |
2108 |
514k |
עת שערי רצון |
Yehuda Samuel Abbas Aleppo, 12th Century, Used on Rosh Hashana before the shofar. The piyyut relates the Akedah of Isaac to the themes of Judgment, and loyalty to Hashem. |
S Antebi
שמחים |
2125 |
ה' בקול שופר |
Before blowing the shofar on Rosh Hashana. |
S Antebi
פיוט |
2127 |
514j |
חזקו וגילו מאחות קטנה |
This is the last verse of the above song. that the cantor sings alone. |
S Antebi
פיוט |
2129 |
514n |
לך אלי תשוקתי |
Abraham Ibn Ezra Opens the prayers on Yom Kippur Evening. Discusses confessions of a person and realizations that everything comes from Hashem. Ashear used this song for Semehim on Shabbat Shubah. |
S Antebi
פיוט |
2131 |
514o |
ידי רשים |
Yehuda HaLevi |
S Antebi
פיוט |
2132 |
514o |
המבורך |
This is the last verse of the above song that the cantor sings alone. |
S Antebi
פיוט |
2193 |
74 |
קדיש |
Maqam Baqashot |
Shelomo Antebi- Mata Hayatak
Shelomo Antebi- Ana Ya Rohi
Shelomo Antebi- Sabahti
Shelomo Antebi- Min Yom Raet
2228 |
514p |
כל נדרי |
S Antebi
2230 |
ה' יום לך |
S Antebi
פיוט |
Selihot |
2231 |
S5 |
למענך |
S Antebi
Sigah |
2684 |
אדון עולם ישועתי |
אליעזר Melody of this song traditionally associated with Purim, although nothing in the song's text refers to holiday. Yabess Manuscript Shire Zimrah, Algiers, 1889 |
S Antebi- Qaddish
4877 |
ברכת כהנים |
Sample of BIRKAT KOHANIM from the morning services in various maqamat. |
S Antebi- HIJAZ