March 31, 2025 ~ VAYIQRA. RAST.

ישראל חזק


Section Pizmon Page Song CommentaryRecordings Application
Baqashot 56.6 יוצר הכל למי יחפוץ Maqam Saba Damascus tradition only. Saba or Bayat.
Baqashot 60.1 ימי חרפי אהבתני Damascus tradition only. Saba. Sigah.
Saba 503 417 ידידי רועי מקימי Yedidi Ro'ee Meqimi (SABA, page 417), whose acrostic is "Yisrael Hazaq," is written by H Israel Najara (1555-1625). This poem compares God to a shepherd who takes care of a flock of sheep. The sheep, mentioned at the end of each stanza, is a metaphor for the people of Israel. It is God, the shepherd, who rescues Israel, the sheep, from her enemies and who will gather a scattered people back to the Holy Land to rebuild the Temple. This relates to the Torah portion of Vayesse due to the reference in the last stanza to Genesis 29:9 when "Rachel comes out with her sheep." When Jacob is a refugee, it isn't until he spotted Rachel that he finds the hope needed to survive. On Shabbat Vayesse, the melody of this pizmon is traditionally applied to Semehim. Although SABA is not the "Maqam of the Week," the Hazzan should switch from AJAM to SABA shortly before Semehim to apply this important melody. Attiah Manuscript Yabess Manuscript Mosseri-Kozli Manuscript G. Shrem
Fule Yanani
G. Shrem
R Barzani- Mimisrayim
I Cabasso - Semehim
Hebrew Pizmon
1131 ימי חופש קרב לי Maqam Niriz
1359 יודע כל תעלומה לריב ריבי Maqam Mahour [Mahour or Nawah] אל ההודאות
1365 תמה בואי לגני יה אלי Maqam Mahour
1375 יערב לו שיח דלה ונבזה Maqam Mahour
1386 יפה ענף חורש מצל הייתי Maqam Awj-Oj
1439 יפו דודיך נעימה Maqam Iraq
1507 יפרוש כנפיו דוד חמדתי Maqam Iraq
1515 יערה עלינו רוח מרום Maqam Hijaz
1529 ינטו צלילי כבודי Maqam Hijaz
1950 יצא ציץ וימל Maqam Bayat
2162 עם סודי נפשו ירעה לו Maqam Rahawi Nawah Nawah